Members of the Corona Investigative Committee, Dr. Reiner Fuellmich and Viviane Fischer, were invited to Warsaw to participate in the inauguration of the “Nuremberg 2.0 project” on 15 November 2021.
The Nuremberg 2.0 project is a civic initiative with the aim of collecting historical and legal documentation describing acts of crimes, lawlessness, abuses and omissions of public authority and to document individual tragedies unknown to the wider public today.
It was launched as a result of “decisions of the Polish government, and more specifically those of the Ministry of Health and its subordinate agencies, which have caused serious harm and injustice, most of whose victims are Poles – citizens of the Republic of Poland.”
The name of the project is purely symbolic recalling the trial known from history when the National Socialist system of the Third Reich was tried for the crimes committed by those who represented policies and rules implemented by this system.
The commission is led by the Grzegorz Braun Member of Parliament, Prof. Mirosław Piotrowski, Paweł Skutecki, and attorney Jacek Wilk.
Grzegorz Braun MP opened the first session: “Let me hereby announce the opening of the hearing of the Parliamentary Commission of Inquiry for unlawful actions taken with regard to Covid-19. and within this team I officially open the “Parliamentary Commission of Inquiry.” Let me present the people present here with me.
“Professor Mirosław Piotrowski, European parliamentary of this and hopefully future terms. Roman Fritz, Vice President of The Crown – the Confederation of the Polish Crown – [and] secretary of our commission, who will take the floor soon and who will be the moderator of today’s hearing. And attorney Jacek Wilk, an MP of the previous one, the current and hopefully the future term in office and the same of the Republic of Poland. On the left-hand side attorneys Krzysztof Łopatowski, Jarosław Litwin and Arkadiusz Tetela who will ask questions to our guests today. Our honourable guests today are Dr. Reiner Fuellmich and Viviane Fischer.”
Afterwards, Dr. Fuellmich and Fischer gave an open conference to summarise their presentation earlier in the day to the Parliamentary Commission of Inquiry.
The virus is no more dangerous than the common flu. The survival rate is 99.97%. Children, statistically, have no risk of getting sick or dying from Covid. The PCR test to detect infection is totally unreliable and the way Prof. Christian Drosten set his test up was guaranteed to produce 100% false positives, Dr. Fuellmich explained.
“The big question is: what is behind all of this, if it is not health? And the answer is very simple because if you look at the answer to our third question, which was: how much damage do the anti-corona measures do – the mask mandates, the vaccines, social distancing?
“If you look at the damage that results from these measures then you know what this is about. Because what we have learned from all the people we have listened to, including of course the psychiatrists and psychologists, it looks as though this damage is not accidental but intentional.
“How do we end all of this? I think, I’m convinced the only way to end this is by the people rising up and telling the authorities that this is the end of the line. That they are the people, we are the people – not them.
“It is not the courts of law [that will end this]. The courts of law, maybe we can use them to clean things up but I’m afraid they may not even be good for that because, they are so infiltrated by the other side that we’ll have to set up a whole new judicial system,” Dr. Fuellmich said.
Fischer then introduced herself and explained her early involvement in the Corona Investigative Committee followed by a very informative question-and-answer session. We recommend watching the video below in full.
The original open conference meeting, including English to Polish translation, can be found HERE.
The day after the launch of the Parliamentary Commission of Inquiry, a draft manifesto was penned, the ‘Warsaw Declaration Against the New Totalitarianism’, see below as copied from FranceSoir.
Draft Warsaw Declaration Against the New Totalitarianism
Having gathered in November 2021 in the Polish capital, Warsaw, today we are sending this very important and very urgent message to the whole world. It is obvious to us that humanity finds itself to this day facing the greatest challenge in all of its history. Large multinationals, with their activities mainly in the digital, banking and pharmaceutical fields, have undertaken a major overhaul of our world, and in doing so, destroy in an unprecedented way the health, wealth and lives of billions of people. With the aim of broadening their fields of influence and their achievements, the globalist groups centered on the ideology of sanitarism, began – with premeditation – criminal acts aimed at causing global chaos, with the result of important movements. social, economic problems and bloody wars. It is established to date that the remedy envisaged against such a situation should be the strict political and financial control imposed on the populations, under the pretext of a false concern of preservation of health, economic balance and security. Governments of many countries, under the influence of globalists, are fighting against their own populations on a scale never seen before. These governments have thus become the local supervisors of oppressive, criminal and international groups. Governments have, for the most part, monopolized the media sphere and thus obtained subjugation, control and coercion, thereby breaking down fundamental laws and individual freedoms using lies, terror and fear. The harmful effects of these actions became known through the increase in the number of deaths, through destroyed economic activity, through difficulties in accessing healthcare. The systematic violation of medical confidentiality and privacy is a source of great concern. At the same time, even greater dangers loom on our horizon. To date, we do not know of any long-term effects of the medical experiments imposed by the large pharmaceutical groups. We also do not know the extent of the damage caused by this artificial limitation of economic activity and human-to-human relations. The systematic violation of medical confidentiality and privacy is a source of great concern. At the same time, even greater dangers loom on our horizon. To date, we do not know of any long-term effects of the medical experiments imposed by the large pharmaceutical groups. We also do not know the extent of the damage caused by this artificial limitation of economic activity and human-to-human relations. The systematic violation of medical confidentiality and privacy is a source of great concern. At the same time, even greater dangers loom on our horizon. To date, we do not know of any long-term effects of the medical experiments imposed by the large pharmaceutical groups. We also do not know the extent of the damage caused by this artificial limitation of economic activity and human-to-human relations.
It is from the Polish capital, having experienced the two totalitarian periods of the twentieth century, that we call on all people of good will to unite together beyond all divisions, and this in the face of the enslavement that [i]s quickly approach[ing[ all of us.
Human life cannot be ruled by any ideology that threatens the dignity of the human person, the truth and natural laws.
Dignity is an intrinsic, innate and natural sign of man, independent of the social and historical context. For this reason, the human person should not be treated as a manipulable object nor as a means to any end – like those foreseen by totalitarian ideologies. The dignity of the human person remains a source of basic fundamental rights, inviolable, such as the right to self-defence, the law of liberty and property, the right to truth and to work … cases become subject to restriction, manipulation or exploitation. We insist that the lie currently propagated via the media and even via scientific circles, calls for a return to the truth understood as the coherence between the perceived reality and the lived reality. It will be a long and difficult process, nevertheless no one is exempt from the duty of seeking objective truth. Disinformation and pseudoscience (also on a global scale) must arouse not only great concern today, but also condemnation. Relativism inevitably leads to enslavement and totalitarianism. In our opinion, all laws must absolutely respect natural law, which offers all other regulations a moral dimension that allows it to serve the real good of man. On the other hand, legal positivism, which is contrary to the requirements of natural law, has no value of moral commitment. The unjust statutory law should be called into question by way of civil disobedience, and even be considered null and void.
It is our duty to resist the authority which abuses its prerogatives, just as it is necessary to fight against dictatorship in all its forms. We do not only protest against the various forms of harassment, but above all against the tyrannical power which has no name, but which today rules the world of finance, the media, police surveillance and politics. Human dignity, truth and natural law cannot, definitively, lose against the new totalitarianism. Let us stand firmly by the side of the most precious human values. Let us be united, let us keep courage and let us be active. We win!

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