Majority of Americans think childhood vaccines are safe ...

An independent pharmacy in Aldie, Virginia, was caught administering adult-sized doses of the Covid-19 vaccine to young children under the age of 11.

Ted Pharmacy reportedly injected at least 112 children with the wrong doses on November 3-4, prompting federal and state officials to order an immediate end to all further administration of the jabs on November 5th.

According to reports, Virginia’s health agency visited Ted Pharmacy to collect all covid vaccine shot vials from the location.

At least one mother came forward in distress about the “mix-up,” which resulted in her seven-year-old daughter receiving a less diluted dose of the vaccine intended for children 12 years of age and older.

The wrong vials had a purple cap while the ones intended for children 11 and younger had an orange cap. It’s unknown how the two got mixed up, especially for so many children.

Dasha Hermosilla told News4: “Nothing says that you can change a purple to an orange. I had this pit in my stomach that, like, what did they just do to my daughter?”

Parents whose young children were improperly injected at Ted Pharmacy are now being encouraged to contact their children’s paediatricians for an evaluation and to keep an eye out for any adverse reactions.

Director David Goodfriend of the health department said: “Because they did not have the children’s formula, they used the adult formulation but only gave a third of the amount to children.

“Our understanding from Ted Pharmacy is they were trying to do a workaround, which is not authorised.”

The deliberate changing of the vials is being referred to by the Loudon County Health Department as the doses being “incorrectly administered.”

“If it doesn’t all go in, or it goes into the body but doesn’t go into the muscle, or you didn’t draw it up exactly to the [correct] line, there’s a chance you might get too little vaccine,” Goodfriend added.

“There’s also a chance it could have given too much.”

The government has ordered Ted Pharmacy to contact every single affected parent to warn them about the “mistake.”

Hermosilla added in a statement to the media: “I would have never done this if I knew they were giving the adult reformulated vaccine. I should’ve pushed her to show me the vial of orange which she didn’t have, and then I should’ve left.”

Fox 5 attempted to contact the owner of Ted Pharmacy, Ester Megally, for an official statement. She did not comment when reached by phone, but she did provide the following statement to the Washington Post: “It’s a working day for us now, and we are a little busy. I’m sorry.”

It is disturbing to think what the potential long term effects of these vaccines could be on these young children.

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source https://theexpose.uk/2021/11/15/virginia-pharmacy-administers-wrong-adult-sized-covid-19-vaccines-to-young-children/

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