Deaths among children in the UK are currently significantly higher than the five-year-average since they were offered the Covid-19 injection, and now an investigation strongly suggests they are being given this injection thanks to a certain Mr Bill Gates.

Because the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation is a primary funder of the UK’s Medicine & Healthcare products Regulatory Agency, and the Foundation also owns major shares in both Pfizer, BioNTech, and Moderna, suggesting the vaccination of children against Covid-19 has absolutely nothing to do with health, but everything to do with money, corruption, and power.

The Medicine & Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) extended the emergency authorisation of the Pfizer / BioNTech mRNA jab in the UK to allow it to be given to children between the ages of 12 – 15 on the 4th June 2021.

At the time, the Chief Executive of the MHRA, Dr June Raine said the MHRA had “carefully reviewed clinical trial data in children aged 12 to 15 years and have concluded that the Pfizer vaccine is safe and effective in this age group and that the benefits outweigh any risk”.

We are left wondering if Dr June Raine and the MHRA have even read the results of the extremely short and small study. If they have then they would have seen that 86% of children in the study suffered an adverse reaction ranging from mild to extremely serious, and 1 in 9 children suffered an extremely serious adverse reaction leaving them unable to perform daily activities.

Just 1,127 children took part in the trial, however, only 1,097 children completed it, with 30 of them not participating after being given the first dose of the Pfizer jab. The results do not state why the 30 children did not go on to complete the trial.

The information is publicly available and contained within an FDA fact sheet which can be viewed here (see page 25, table 5 on-wards).

Was ther ever any doubt that the MHRA would give emergency authorisation for the Pfizer / BioNTech vaccine to be used in children when you consider that a certain Mr Bill Gates owns shares in both Pfizer and BioNTech and is the primary funder of the MHRA?

The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation bought shares in Pfizer back in 2002, and back in September 2020 Bill Gates ensured the value of his shares went up by announcing to the mainstream media in a CNBC interview that he viewed the Pfizer jab as the leader in the Covid-19 vaccine race.

“The only vaccine that, if everything went perfectly, might seek the emergency use license by the end of October, would be Pfizer.”

The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation also “coincidentally” bought $55 million worth of shares in BioNTech in September 2019, just before the alleged Covid-19 pandemic struck.


The MHRA received a grant from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation in 2017 to the tune of £980,000 for a “collaboration” with the foundation. However, a Freedom of Information request which the MHRA responded to in May 2021 revealed that the current level of grant funding received from the Gates Foundation amounts to $3 million and covers “a number of projects”.

Can we really trust the MHRA to remain impartial when its primary funder is the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, who also own shares in Pfizer and BioNTech?

It should also come as no surprise to find that the MHRA also extended the emergency use authorisation of the Moderna mRNA Covid-19 injection to 12 – 17-year-olds on August 17th 2021, when you consider that Bill Gates is a primary funder of Moderna, in which they have an agreement that obligates Moderna to grant Bill Gates a non-exclusive license to their Covid-19 vaccine; a vaccine that was coincidentally sent to University researchers weeks before the emergence of Covid-19 in Wuhan, China.

At the time Dr June Raine, Chief Executive of the MHRA said that she was “pleased to confirm” the Moderna vaccines emergency use authorisation, and alleged that it is “safe and effective in this age group”.

Quite how Dr June Raine and the MHRA concluded it is effective in this age group is puzzling considering the fact less than 9 children have died of Covid-19 in the United Kingdom and all of them had other serious underlying conditions. But the real conundrum is how they concluded that the Moderna jab is safe for children, because data available in the USA shows quite the opposite.

According to a Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) report found under VAERS ID 1187918, a 15 year-old female suffered cardiac arrest and ended up in intensive care four days after having the Moderna mRNA jab. She also sadly died.

Another 15 year-old female also suffered cardiac arrest and tragically died after receiving a second dose of the Moderna injection.

And another report found under VAERS ID 1261766 confirms that a one-year-old baby was criminally given the Moderna jab, causing his body temperature to increase resulting in a seizure, which lead to the one year-old passing away.

As you can see the Moderna jab is proven to be far from safe for use in children.

Moderna confirmed in 2016 that the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation had granted them $20 million to support their “initial project related to the evaluation of antibody combinations in a preclinical setting as well as the conduct of a first-in-human Phase 1 clinical trial of a potential mRNA medicine”.

But Moderna also reveal that the framework agreement they made with the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation could bring the total funding up to $100 million for “follow-on projects” that are proposed to and approved by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation up to 2022, and the terms of this agreement stipulate that Moderna are obliged to grant the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation certain non-exclusive licenses.

A Non-Exclusive Licence grants the licensee the right to use the intellectual property, but means that the licensor remains free to exploit the same intellectual property and to allow any number of other licensees to also exploit the same intellectual property.

Therefore under the terms of the agreement made with Moderna, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation have now been granted a non-exclusive license to the Moderna mRNA Covid-19 injection, and are therefore profiting from its use.

Which raises serious concerns about the MHRA’s true motives in granting emergency approval for the Moderna jab to be given to children. Evidence in the USA proves that it has been deadly when given to children, and evidence in the UK proves that children simply do not need it. Which suggests the MHRA are much more concerned about appeasing their primary funder, Mr Bill Gates.

But the corruption doesn’t end there, because a confidentiality agreement shows potential coronavirus vaccine candidates were transferred from Moderna to the University of North Carolina in 2019, nineteen days prior to the emergence of the alleged Covid-19 causing virus in Wuhan, China.

The confidentially agreement which can be viewed here states that providers ‘Moderna’ alongside the ‘National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases’ (NIAID) agreed to tranfer ‘mRNA coronavirus vaccine candidates’ developed and jointly-owned by NIAID and Moderna to recipients ‘The Universisty of North Carolina at Chapel Hill’ on the 12th December 2019.

The material transfer agreement was signed the December 12th 2019 by Ralph Baric, PhD, at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, and then signed by Jacqueline Quay, Director of Licensing and Innovation Support at the University of North Carolina on December 16th 2019.

The agreement was also signed by two representatives of the NIAID, one of whom was Amy F. Petrik PhD, a technology transfer specialist who signed the agreement on December 12th 2019 at 8:05 am. The other signatory was Barney Graham MD PhD, an investigator for the NIAID, however this signature was not dated.

The final signatories on the agreement were Sunny Himansu, Moderna’s Investigator, and Shaun Ryan, Moderna’s Deputy General Councel. Both signatures were made on December 17th 2019.

All of these signatures were made prior to any knowledge of the alleged emergence of the novel coronavirus. It wasn’t until December 31st 2019 that the World Health Organisation (WHO) became aware of an alleged cluster of viral pneumonia cases in Wuhan, China. But even at this point they had not determined that an alleged new coronavirus was to blame, instead stating the pneumonia was of “unknown cause”.

However, despite clear links between the MHRA and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, children in the UK would not currently be being offered the Covid-19 injection if it were not for a certain Professor Christopher Whitty, the Chief Medical Officer for England.

Whitty has had enormous influence in shaping the UK Governments response to the alleged Covid-19 pandemic, but his past also shows links to Mr Bill Gates.

On the 3rd September 2021, the Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation (JCVI) announced (see here) they were not recommending the Pfizer Covid-19 injection be offered to all children over the age of 12.

The assessment by the Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation (JCVI) is that the health benefits from vaccination are marginally greater than the potential known harms. However, the margin of benefit is considered too small to support universal vaccination of healthy 12 to 15 year olds at this time.

The JCVI cited the following –

“For the vast majority of children, SARS-CoV-2 infection is asymptomatic or mildly symptomatic and will resolve without treatment. Of the very few children aged 12 to 15 years who require hospitalisation, the majority have underlying health conditions.”

Since 1st April 2009 the Health Protection (Vaccination) Regulations 2009 place a duty on the Secretary of State for Health in England to ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable, that the recommendations of JCVI are implemented (See here – page 6).

Yet in an unprecedented move, the Secretary for Health and the Government decided to bypass the JCVI and seek the advice of the four Chief Medical Officers (CMO’s) of the United Kingdom, who include Professor Christopher Whitty.

In their letter to the Government (found here), the UK CMO’s state they looked at wider public health benefits and risks of universal vaccination in this age group to determine if this shifts the risk-benefit either way. They claim in their letter that “the most important in this age group was impact on education”.

This raises some serious questions –

  1. Did Covid-19 close the schools? The answer is of course no. Schools were closed because of Government policy.
  2. Should a person take a medical treatment so that they are able to partake in society or education? The answer is course no. A person should only ever take a medical treatment for a medical reason, in the case of the Covid-19 vaccine that reason should be to prevent infection; which it does not do, or prevent illness; which it will not do as children are at such low risk of suffering serious illness due to Covid-19.

The decision made by Chris Whitty to advise the Government that the Covid-19 vaccines should be offered to children was not a decision based on science.

Whitty was the recipient of a $40 million grant in October 2012, whilst he was principle investigator for the ACT consortium.

$39,795,736.00 was donated by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation to support the ACT Consortium, which included almost 50 academic institutions in Africa, Asia, Europe and the USA.

Professor Christopher Whitty the Principal Investigator for the ACT Consortium at the time said –

“We are delighted. There have been great strides forward in developing new drugs. We now have to start to get them to the people who need them. The funding by the Gates Foundation to these studies on four continents, but concentrating on Africa, will help determine how best to achieve this”.

Is it just a coincidence that Bill Gates and his money is at the end of each road we travel in relation to the major players in ensuring children are given an experimental injection they do not need?

That’s for you to decide, but the consequences of this corrupt decision are quickly being realised across the United Kingdom.

Chris Whitty advised the UK Government to roll-out the Pfizer Covid-19 vaccine to all children over the age of 12 in week 37 of 2021. Thanks to preparations already being made by the NHS to intrude on education in schools and administer the jab to children, the roll-out got underway the following week (week 38).

The Five-Year-Average (2015-2019) edition of ‘Deaths registered weekly in England and Wales’, which can be downloaded here, and accessed on the ONS website here, shows that shows that between week 38 and week 41 a total of 21 deaths occurred among 10 – 14-year-olds.

Whereas the 2021 editions of ‘Deaths registered weekly in England and Wales, which can be downloaded here, and accessed on the ONS website here, shows that between the week 38 and week 41 of 2021, a total of 34 deaths occurred among children aged between 10 and 14.

This shows that the number of deaths between week 38 and week 41 of 2021 among children aged 10-14 were 62% higher than the five-year-average for the number of deaths in this age group during the same period, and the increase in deaths began at precisely the same time children started receiving the Covid-19 vaccine.

For instance in the 6 weeks prior to week 38 the five-year-average for deaths among all children between the ages of 10 and 14 was 28. Whereas in the 6 weeks prior to week 38 of 2021 there were 29 deaths among children over the age of 10, representing an increase of just 3.5% in 2021 on the five-year-average.

We compiled the following table of ONS figures so that we were able to easily compare the number of deaths per week among children separated by male and female.

We will leave you with the words of Mr Bill Gates from a speech he made in 2010 –

“The world today has 6.8 billion people. That’s headed up to about nine billion. Now, if we do a really great job on new vaccines, health care, reproductive health services, we could lower that by, perhaps, 10 or 15 percent.”

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source https://theexpose.uk/2021/11/14/children-are-dying-because-bill-gates-funds-medicine-regulator-and-has-shares-in-covid-vaccines/

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