Many throughout the world heard about the infamous “Cronulla Riots” in 2005 whereby Australia was blacklisted by the godless, Marxist pro-Muslim media as a nation filled with “bigotry” and “racism”. Whilst many throughout the world were quick to point the finger at drunken hooligans that attacked anybody and everybody that looked different, few have objectively considered the lead up events to this reaction. Prior to that date, Cronulla and many suburbs across Sydney, Australia, were subject to all manner of Islamic attacks by youths from mostly Lebanese background as well as other Islamic backgrounds from the Middle East, Turkey or Pakistan. Australian men were being bashed for “being Aussie” in suburbs such as Lakemba, Bankstown, Punchbowl, Auburn and others by Lebanese Muslim youth and spurned on by their irresponsible family members and community. If that was not bad enough, the fact that there were many instances of gang rapes of white Australian young ladies by these disgusting beasts is even worse. Many have possibly heard of the notorious Mohamed Skaf and his brother, Bilal Skaf, who were notorious for instigating this disgusting act in 2002 against white Australian girls. Shamefully, not only were they released from their sentence early, but equally shameful is that murderers, rapists, paedophiles and other evil doers have not been sentenced to the noose in Australia. To add further insult to injury, we have the former Imam of Lakemba Mosque (whom these evil men were linked to), Taj El-Din Hilaly, and the head of the Lebanese Muslim Association, Keysar Trad, both not only seeking to absolve responsibility but even condone evil behaviour such as this. The former referred to women who were not covered in an Islamic manner as “uncovered meat” that would provoke rape and the latter stated that the evil committed by such evil men is “an Australian crime” since he could not escape the ethnicity and religion of the perpetrators. There were many other incidents by such elements too, such as the shooting of Lakemba Police Station not long after, which was met with force as well as other incidents of attacking Australian men and victimising and raping Australian women.
All these constant bashing of Australian men, raping of Australian young women and instigating hatred at the mosques against Jews, Christians and non-Muslims in general should be cause to cause any sound government to start doing some serious investigations and clamp downs as would happen in Russia and Eastern European countries. Yet somehow, our foolish politically correct system of education and media, would have you believe that all these elements are “extremist minorities” and that we in the West should be “more tolerant” and “less racist” towards such belligerent elements than immigrate not with the intention of integrating but dominating. Virtually every channel on Australian television is filled with Marxist apologists for Islam and their evil followers without exception. We even have Waleed Aly, a Muslim apologist for ISIS and Muslim Brotherhood, being a host for Channel 10 program: Rove Live and we have SBS putting up all manner of pro-Muslim programs, not to mention that their board is filled with Muslims. Same applies to ABC, Channel 7 and Channel 9. These same disgusting enemies and traitors of the Australian people in the media were also the ones who instigated the blaming of the Australian people who fought the Islamic element on 12 December 2005 as “racists” and “bigots”, whilst conveniently ignoring the incident that sparked this riot.
Bearing in mind that Sydney all over, including Lakemba, has faced such criminal activity from these ethnic gangs, particularly these Lebanese Muslim trash, let us look at the bullet that was placed into the gun. On 4 December 2005, a group of Australian lifesavers were attempting to save some Arabic Muslim women who were drowning. Instead of wanting to save the lives of the women who were drowning, the useless do-gooder, self-righteous male relatives went and bashed the lifesavers accusing them of “touching” their women inappropriately along with “staring at them”. The lifesavers thus responded by stating that they spend many hours trying to rescue such ungrateful trash like them. From then on, there was a huge punch up that followed. The Australian people had truly had enough and gathered a week later to express their discontent over constant incidents such as this. The media conveniently left out the trigger event as well as the other serious incidents prior to this all for the sake of siding the godless Muslims and destroying Australian sovereignty.
Nicholas Hunter Folkes, Party For Freedom leader and committed Australian patriot against Islamicization of Australia.
7 years later, we now have a patriotic Australian man sickened by the constant ghettoization of Australia into ethnic, Third World garbage cultures rather than having the past successful policy of integration, and a new party is born. Nicholas Hunter Folkes, a working ordinary painter from the eastern suburbs of Sydney, is genuinely concerned about this and particularly the Islamicization that has constantly been taking place throughout Australia, and he creates the newest patriotic party to counter the political correctness that is destroying Australia: Party For Freedom. Considered an enemy by the left-wing Marxists and socialists as well as the mainstream media, Nicholas Folkes has constantly held rallies against Islamicization via so-called “asylum seekers”, inter-faith gatherings, “multicultural” events, as well as against the Muslim Brotherhood and also against the promotion of halal in Australia. Nicholas Folkes has also held a march to support Curtis Cheng who was murdered in cold blood at Parramatta Police Station by a wicked Muslim. In the face of constant bullying and harassment by the leftist thugs such as Antifa as well as the media, Nicholas Folkes has held his ground.
In the past foregone year, literally 10 years after the Cronulla riots, Nicholas Folkes planned to hold a commemorative ceremony to honour our nation’s heritage and to uphold Australian national heritage that came under attack from these Muslim thugs. In addition to this, a honorary barbeque at Don Lucas Reserve was to be held on the day on 12 December 2015 alongside a line-up of great patriotic speakers such as Kim Vuga and Sergio Redgalli. Nicholas Folkes went through all the correct channels such as seeking the permission of police, Sutherland Shire Council, etc. However, in return, he not only received threats by Sutherland Shire Council and even the Head of NSW Police, promising prosecution, but was even hauled through NSW Supreme Court a few days prior, whereby he was not only forbidden to hold the rally, but was also promised to be gaoled should he host it. The barbeque at Don Lucas Reserve without any rally was held on 12 December 2015 with some opposition from the godless Left. The matter is far from over since on 5 February 2016, the Federal Court of NSW plans to hold Nicholas Hunter Folkes on trial for opposing Islam and pointing out the wicked behaviour of Muslim gangs in Australia. This is courtesy of both Dr. Jamal Rifi and Sutherland Shire Council, whereby they are intent on silencing a patriot.
3 great Australian patriots after Court Case in December 2015: Sergio Redgalli, Nicholas Folkes and Kim Vuga.
God is not mocked. Not long after 12 December, a tornado hit Kurnell in Cronulla area and Como that was adjacent to it which inflicted severe damage. Ever thought that God is expressing His anger at Sutherland Shire Council for their persecution of a righteous man that was intent on saving them? Similar events happened in Victoria 11 years ago when the State of Victoria put 2 Christian pastors to court, Pastors Daniel Nalliah and Daniel Scot, for holding a conference exposing Islam in their churches. Although that court case was won by the 2 pastors, it nevertheless revealed the evil heart of the jurors in Victoria and thus not long after, Victoria experienced some serious bushfires and flooding. Anyone who wants to attack the righteous cannot expect that God will not act with reprisal. This is clear even in Revelation 6:9-11 whereby righteous souls of the martyred appeal to God for vengeance and it is granted.
Pastors Daniel Nalliah and Daniel Scot, who were hauled through the Victorian Court over exposing Islam.
Australia just like USA and UK, is under a constant, serious threat from Islam and the enemy within: Marxist and leftists in the media and education system, not to mention the judiciary. We are in need of both prayer, revival of Christendom and strong warriors that love this nation enough to oppose evil. Ultimately, we need strong fighting Christians in Australia to wake up from slumber and stop playing pacifists to Satan. We need strong fighting Christians that will oppose the sodomite agenda, the abortion agenda, the Islam agenda and all manner of antichrist agendas, and to bring a real revival of godly Christendom. A nation can be cursed or blessed based on righteousness or wickedness (Jeremiah 18:7-13).
For anyone who wishes to help Nicholas Folkes with his impending Court case on Feb 5, 2015, please give to this account:
Party for Freedom Inc.
BSB number: 032 078
Account number: 656866
Bank: Westpac Bank
God bless you all.
For further reading: “Strike Force Neil, Cronulla Riots, Review of the Police Response Media Component” Volume 2 of 4. Retrieved 23 March 2010
“Muslim leader blames women for sex attacks”, The Australian, October 26, 2006
“Judge Slams Hilali Spokesman Keysar Trad” , The Australian, August 1, 2009
“Nick Folkes fights 11th-hour legal battle to stage Cronulla riots rally”, Sydney Morning Herald, December 9, 2015
“The 2015 Cronulla Riots Memorial has been Cancelled”, Party For Freedom, December 11, 2015. (More details of Court Case is found in there)
“Weather warnings issued for NSW coastal areas as storms move in” Daily Telegraph, December 16, 2015.
VCAT case-The Two Dannys, Saltshakers, 22 June 2007 (About Pastors Daniel Scot and Daniel Nalliah in Victoria, Australia)-
“VCCCAR Project: Framing Adaptation in the Victorian Context: The cost of disasters to Australia and
Victoria – no straightforward answers”, Victorian Centre for Climate Change Adaption Research, April 2011, (NOTE: This is a godless website that denies straightforward answers and promotes godless “Climate Change” but nevertheless is useful since it admits that serious disasters occurred in 2007 in Victoria),
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