
By BI: These are considered the essential German phrases Muslim male invaders (the vast majority of so-called “refugees”) need to learn upon arrival in Germany.


UK Express  Just TWO Muslim men (out of reported 1,000) have been arrested in connection with the Cologne sex attacks after over 100 women reported being assaulted on New Year’s Eve. Police have now confirmed one man was caught with notes translating to phrases like “beautiful breasts”, “I want to have sex with you” and “I’ll kill you.”

The city centre descended into chaos on the last day of 2015 when around 1,000 Muslim men of ‘Arab or North African’ origin reportedly attacked women and young girls.


There were 18 asylum seekers among the 31 people stopped by the federal police, who also recorded three sexual assaults. German police have been accused of lying about refugee involvement in the New Year’s Eve sex attacks in Cologne

The detained pair are understood to have been in custody overnight and notes in Arabic and German were found on their possession. Neither has been named and their nationality has not been given.


The news follows claims in a leaked police report that some of the perpetrators of the Cologne sex attacks said they were Syrian refugees. One told officers: “You have to treat me kindly! Mrs Merkel invited me.”

Similar attacks were reported in other German cities including Hamburg, Frankfurt, Stuttgart and Dusseldorf on the same night.


According to witnesses women on their own and in groups were “circled” by the men who openly groped them. A police report also said terrified women had to run past the sex attack gang like a “gauntlet” to escape from them.

The evening has been described as “chaotic” with many alleged assaults taking place around the city’s train station. Federal police, as opposed to Cologne city officers, were responsible for security inside the besieged train station.

They say they quizzed nine Algerians, eight Moroccans, four Syrians, five Iranians, one Iraqi, one Serbian, and one US citizen following reports on the night.

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