
By BI: If any non-Muslim Navy Captain had publicly Tweeted support for a notoriously extremist Islamic religious leader, condemned an Australian political party, and bashed a former Prime Minister while on active duty, he/she would have been fired or demoted. But when you’re a Muslim female Navy Captain, you get a pass.


Captain Mona Shindy, the Chief of Navy’s strategic adviser on Islamic affairs, is understood to have run the account @navyislamic until it was deleted shortly before Christmas.

Aussie Madness  The Australian reports that the now-defunct Twitter account run by Capt Mona Shindy, @navyislamic, was used as a personal political platform and propaganda tool to spin for Allah.

In it, she tweeted or retweeted comments which backed the Grand Mufti’s statement on the Paris shootings and criticized Tony Abbott and the Australian government’s anti-terror strategy. A longer list of entirely inappropriate tweets can be seen below.


AU NEWS  In September, the social media account retweeted counter-terrorism expert Anne Aly, on the night of the leadership change, The Australian reports.

“Wait. Did our new PM just give a speech and not mention boats, death cult, security, death cult, terrorism, national security and death cult?” the tweet read.

In October, the account was used to attack a new Queensland-based political party called the Australian Liberty Alliance (ALA), which was launched by Dutch politician Geert Wilders.

“Real shame to see these extreme ill informed fringe groups threatening #community #cohesion. #auspol #teamhumanrace” the tweet from October 22 stated.

Then in November, five days after the Paris terror attacks, @navyislamic tweeted the hashtag #IStandWithTheMufti.

The tweet described the Grand Mufti Ibrahim Abu Mohamed, whose comments on Islamic extremism were widely criticized following the deadly attacks, as a “righteous & courageous man.”

Why on earth the Navy (or any branch of the armed forces) needs an Islamic adviser is beyond comprehension. Does she put Allah’s laws above Australian laws and her duty to Allah above her duty to Australia? If so, then she shouldn’t be anywhere near the armed forces.


She is also a brazen liar. In a piece (PDF) in the United Service journal in the middle of last year, she said in the first sentence:

Islam is a religion based on submission to the will and laws of God [only half true, since Allah is not the God of Judaism or Christianity], under which a woman is equal to a man [false] and the killing of ‘innocent’ people is a sin [false].

The first is such a blatant lie that anyone who believes it would have to be blind, and the second is highly deceptive since the term ‘innocent’ only applies to Muslims.

As usual, however, we see a prominent representative of Islam denying any connection between Islam and terrorism, and undermining any attempts by the Australian government (her employer) to tackle this serious challenge to civilised societies.

Captain Shindy, who is a 26-year veteran of the navy and head of its Guided Missile Frigate Program, also called for the word ‘Islam’ to be removed from reporting on Islamic state in policy talk in an essay published in June. As usual, we see a prominent representative of Islam denying any connection between Islam and terrorism

The Australian reports she also called for ‘frank, fearless debate‘ about the ‘root cause and triggers’ of Islamic grievances, which she said included foreign policy double standards and the fact that young Australian Muslims felt they had been marginalized.

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