

Claire Moseley, an aid worker who cares more about help Muslim terrorists than the safety of people the same Muslims harass daily

Calais is the most dangerous place in Europe for truckers. Drivers are regularly harassed, their trucks damaged, their loads robbed, and sometimes even worse. The situation is so bad that the British Road Haulage Association has set up a hotline for truckers to call in if there is an emergency, since the French government is doing little to resolve the problem.  Most of the time, truckers are left to fend for themselves:

Muslims harassing a truck driver passing through Calais

It is bad enough that there are countless thousands of young Muslim illegal men invading western Europe with the cooperation of the French government and humanitarian aid organizations who give these same Muslims free food, drink, clothing, and toiletries which they throw away and demand cash instead. To make matters even worse, one of these charities has now told truckers that if they are concerned about coming through Calais they should get a new job. From the UK Express:

Ms Moseley made the controversial comments whilst speaking on a TV documentary about conditions and security at the notorious Calais camp.  

She told the BBC Inside Out programme: “You don’t come here if you have got any choice whatsoever, and you most certainly do not come here for a hand out of food or a second hand pair of jeans. Truck drivers have a safe future, if they have to change their jobs it is not the end of the world, this is.” 

After the furore erupted she issued a statement apologising for the comments, saying her charity has sympathy for truckers who are just trying to do their jobs. 

She said: “Care4Calais supports all Road Haulage Association members’ right to continue driving through Calais port. We  apologise to anyone offended by comments taken from the BBC Inside Out interview.  Our aim is to provide humanitarian aid to people who have fled terrible circumstances and who are now living in inhumane conditions in Calais.” 

You can see a video with Ms. Moseley talking about her work with Care4Calais here:


Just as a reminder, here are some of the same “refugees” from Calais throwing away the provisions which Ms. Moseley speaks about in the above video:

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