Pro-Trump activist and media personality Joe Biggs, a two-time Purple Heart recipient who served honorably in both Iraq and Afghanistan, published a letter from prison Thursday describing his poor treatment.
Today is my 3 month anniversary being locked up. Not allowed to work out. My body feels as if it’s aged so much. Can hardly move. Walking has become very difficult. I sleep on a piece of steel welded to a wall with a thin mattress. I now have major lower back issues and shoulder pain from the “bed”. I’ve gotten maybe 10hrs outside all together since being here. I get to go outside maybe 3 times a month. The food here is all soy based. So its weakening our bodies. Hardly any protein. Mostly processed foods and some kind of gelatin dog food looking stuff. No privacy allowed when shitting allowed. You have to be in view of everyone. Each cell has a shelf. You are not allowed to use it. Nothing can be placed on it. Lights go out at 11:45 pm and back on @ 4am for “breakfast”. Luckily the showers are only one person allowed at a time. Every cell has a Small window that has been sand blasted so you can never see outside. Breaking any rules can result In losing ability to talk to family or a trip the hole for a few weeks where you are stripped naked a left in a bright freezing room. I have anxiety bad now. Panic attacks so bad I black out. There are actual white supremacist gang members here who hate the fact the media call proud boys white supremacist. They tested me on what it means to be one of them a I failed miserably. Good. I have a mixed baby so that automatically keeps me away from that gang life! I live amongst actual racial supremacist groups and they all say Im too nice and nothing like the media makes me out to be. The black guys in here say if I’m any kind of representative for the PB’s then they like us and wanna be in our group. Its funny all these bad people shunned by society have taken the time to see me for me and the media won’t even try. I tend to stay to myself alone in my cell. Reading the bible and other Christian books. The plus side to this God was able to get ahold of me in this place. In the end I just pray people see the truth. I had nothing to do with that day. I never planned what happened. I was in the wrong place at the wrong time. ~Joe Biggs political prisoner aka inmate 202100002744
Infowars senior producer Darrin McBreen posted about the message on Facebook, saying he decided to share the letter “in hopes it may shed light on the treatment he and other Jan. 6 ‘insurrectionists’ are receiving in the gulag.”
Joseph McBride, an attorney for some of the January 6 defendants, made an appearance on CNN Thursday to describe some of the treatment those being held are receiving.
In the segment, McBride explained that “there are people who showed up to attack the Capitol, there are people who showed up to protest, and there are people who showed up to protest that got involved with the greater events of that day. And it is very important not to lump everybody in, not to define every protester that showed up that day as an insurrectionist — which, by the way, no one has been charged with.”
Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-Texas) made similar comments last week in a discussion with the Epoch Times.
“They’re being treated like third-world country political prisoners,” Gohmert said of January 6 defendants. “I mean, very, very vindictive—like a third world country, except it’s happening in this country.”
“Some of them were violent, and I would have no problem sending them to prison,” he explained. “But there are so many that just did very little. And if they were Democrats, and were burning down stores, they would already have been out on bail.”
Rep. Gohmert continued, saying, “The two-tier justice system has really become so apparent to anybody that’s paying attention. It is really tragic. But the Justice Department has been able to scare a lot of Republicans and their people that were thinking about coming back to Washington and protesting. And they’re scared to do that because they read and hear about these people being put in jail, who did nothing wrong, some of them—an 18-year-old that gets put in prison and 23 hours a day in solitary, and then after a story came out … and they went to 24-hour lockup.”
Thanks to the establishment media and Big Tech censorship, stories about the mistreatment of January 6 defendants have not received anywhere close to the amount of attention they deserve.
source https://www.infowars.com/posts/political-prisoners-letter-exposes-disgraceful-treatment-of-jan-6th-defendants
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