An Investigative Summary released by the DOJ’s Office of the Inspector General on Tuesday reveals an unnamed now-retired senior FBI official was leaking information to media members in exchange for unauthorized gifts between 2014 and 2016.
The title of the summary is, “Findings of Misconduct by a Then- Senior FBI Official for Having Numerous Unauthorized Contacts with the Media, and for Accepting Unauthorized Gifts from Members of the Media.”
In the report, the DOJ explains they initiated their investigation after the FBI’s Insider Threat Unit sent a tip that a then-senior FBI official had “numerous contacts with members of the media between January and November 2016 in violation of FBI policy.”
Before the onset of the investigation, the Inspector General found hints that the high-ranking FBI official was getting kickbacks from media members in exchange for insider information.
Next, the report states, “The matter is among the OIG investigations referenced on page 430 of the OIG’s Review of Allegations Regarding Various Actions by the Department and the Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI) in Advance of the 2016 Election,” which came out in June of 2018.

Page 430 of that report explains that several FBI employees were communicating with the press throughout 2016, creating a problem for investigators looking for leaks.
“The large number of FBI employees who were in contact with journalists during this time period impacted our ability to identify the sources of leaks,” the 2018 OIG report states.
“For example,” the report continues. “During the periods we reviewed, we identified dozens of FBI employees that had contact with members of the media. Attached to this report as Attachments G and H are link charts that reflects the volume of communications that we identified between FBI employees and media representatives in April/May and October 2016.”
The OIG investigation concluded numerous FBI employees violated bureau policies and Department ethics rules by accepting tickets to sports events, going golfing and out to dinner or for drinks with members of the press.
According to the OIG, the FBI’s cozy relationship with U.S. media represents a “cultural attitude” within the agency and recommends it either sufficiently educates its employees about its media contact policy and the Department’s ethics rules or that it ensures its disciplinary penalties are sufficient to deter such improper conduct.

Considering the media’s majority anti-Trump reporting in the year 2016, and every year since, it can be assumed the FBI agent was communicating with media members in order to sabotage his election campaign.
The retired FBI official discussed in the OIG summary released Tuesday denied a request for a voluntary interview with the Inspector General.
“The OIG does not have the authority to compel or subpoena testimony from former Department employees, including those who retire or resign during the course of an OIG investigation,” they explain.
Will America ever learn the name of this person and will they ever be held accountable?
The FBI is the same agency recently outed for covering up years and years of sexual abuse by Olympic gymnastic coach Larry Nassar. It’s time to ABOLISH THE FBI!
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