
***NOTE: It seems that Merkel's Facebook censors are going after this post. This is not the first time this has happened to us with postings. Let's show Merkel & company that we will NOT be censored.***

Hungarian PM Viktor Orban isn't afraid to speak his mind about the Muslim invasion of Europe. In a recent speech, he called the invading Muslim hordes invited in by Merkel and her ilk 'terror threats,' 'a public security risk,' 'poison,' and said 'we don't need you':

Prime minister Viktor Orban said the central European state “does not need a single migrant” to help its economy grow, branding all refugees “a public security risk”


In a fiery speech Mr Orban made it clear that migrants were not welcome in his country, warning other European nations not to “force” mass immigration on his people.

He said: “Hungary does not need a single migrant for the economy to work, or the population to sustain itself, or for the country to have a future.

“Every single migrant poses a public security and terror risk.

“This is why there is no need for a common European migration policy. Whoever needs migrants can take them, but don’t force them on us, we don’t need them.”


He added: “Migration is not a solution but a problem…not medicine but a poison. We don’t need it and won’t swallow it.”

Mr Orban’s controversial remarks were immediately attacked by human rights campaigners, who said they were divisive and demonised people fleeing war and persecution. (source)

Of course, the self-righteous Western European governments, filled with hubris, will happily accuse PM Orban of "human rights violations" and "hate speech" over these statements in defense of his homeland, all the while their lands are being invaded and destroyed by these same Muslims they invited in.

But the day of reckoning is coming for Europe, and soon all Europeans will have two choices to make- fight or submit.

PM Orban has made his choice. So has Poland, Slovakia, Russia, and many other nations of Eastern Europe.

Will you stand with them? Or go passively into the night with Western Europe?

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