
Always remember that Muslims are even more violent towards each other than they are towards Christians. Likewise, it is also good to remember that while Islam is evil, there are still some people who are Muslims who are good and may even become Christians.

In this case, a Pakistani doctor was helping a Christian man who needed emergency medical treatment. The doctor grabbed the closest medicine and gave it to the patient, as his life was in danger. However, he immediately incurred the wrath of his Muslim co-workers for doing this:

Life seemed well on track until one night while working an ER shift, when I received a patient needing urgent dialysis. Unattended and disheveled as he was, there was no one with him to get him the medicine he needed. Fearing he might die, I instinctually grabbed the emergency medicine donated via zakaat, an Islamic system of alms-giving, and performed the life-saving hemodialysis.

He survived but I immediately faced the wrath of the nurse. She was mad at me because the patient was a Christian and she said Islamic alms are not meant to be used on non-Muslims. But I did not know the patient’s faith, nor did I know that such a law existed.

I promptly replaced the medicine, which cost around $20. But it didn’t end there. The representative of a conservative Islamic NGO, which was a donor to the clinic, was furious about what I had done. They attributed my lack of knowledge about the alms laws to the fact that I belong to a minority Muslim sect.

A departmental inquiry followed and I was discriminated throughout the entire process. The workplace discrimination gave way to threatening phone calls and vandalism of my car and bike. They found out my family lived in America and that I was alone. This made me an easy target. I was threatened with death at a medical conference hosted by the chair of the same NGO which had complained about me. (source)

The doctor was able to flee to America where is waiting to receive asylum. After this incident, he noted that:

Humanity is the core of any religion. I believe no true Muslim can be an extremist. I knowingly went out of my way to help a human in need, without a thought about his religion. I faced backlash that would change my life forever. But, in the name of humanity, I deem that it was all worth it. (source)

Note this attitude here that the doctor is showing. If you have worked with Muslims for a while, this is the attitude of a potential Muslim convert to Christianity.

While there are many bad Muslims and the violence of Islam comes from its theology, Muslims are still people. They can choose right and wrong, good and evil- they can choose to disobey Islam.

This doctor was following what he knew was morally right to the opposition of the legitimate disagreement per Islamic standards of his co-workers. Per Islamic teaching, as I have stated before, a non-Muslim is not a human because a man's humanity derives from his belief in and practice of Islam, and while it is not mandated, a Muslim may abuse and even murder a non-Muslim and it is not considered a sin. His co-workers were perfectly in the right with what they did. But so was the doctor's actions right too, because again, per Islam, while he could choose to let the man die, he did not, but helped him to live. Both are Islamically acceptable.

However, what was the doctor's reason for helping the man? It was that he was a fellow human. Unlike Islamic theology, this man recognized the humanity of non-Muslims and treated him as such.

Notice also how he said that no true Muslim can be an extremist- i.e. abuse a fellow human. This is a heresy per Islam. And as I have stated before, heresy in Islam is the first step to discovering the true Faith in Jesus.

Please do pray for him and Muslims like him. While we must fight Islam by all means possible, Jesus also said for us to love our enemies, and pray for those who persecute (us) so (we) may children of our Father in Heaven, and men such as this one, while Muslims and they may not even realize it, are walking a little bit closer to Christ than maybe they even realize. It is our job to give them that "nudge" in the right direction.

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