
"Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these."- Jesus, Matthew 19:14

Evil has its limits, because it is a perversion of good. However, sometimes the depth to which men can go in committing evil is surprising:

PARANOID Islamic State (ISIS) maniacs have embarked on a summer of slaughter, beheading 23 teenagers on suspicion of spying and burning a two-year-old girl alive.

The twisted jihadis have carried out some of their most gruesome killings yet, including executing four football players in front of a crowd of children and butchering 25 civilians by dissolving them alive in acid.

Senior military sources said the spate of horrific murders was a sign that the Islamist fanatics are growing increasingly desperate as they face all-out military defeat.


They are believed to have executed more than 100 people for espionage this week alone, with the vast majority of the killings coming in the form of public beheadings.

Huge efforts are also under way to stop desperate civilians from fleeing their so-called caliphate, resulting in the execution of a two-year-old girl who was burned alongside her family when they were caught moving villages within ISIS territory. (source)

My comments? Well, sometimes views are best expressed through song:

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