By Walid Shoebat
A Syrian Muslim terrorist with a backpack was denied entry to the nearby music festival were 2,500 people were attending a wine tasting event. He then detonated (some reports say it was premature detonation) killing himself and injuring others. Ansbach Mayor Carda Seidel confirmed it was an explosive device, and a spokesman for the Bavarian Interior Ministry said explosion was intentional. Yet the German Interior Minister Joachim Herrmann reported it as a "mental case" and that he has been treated for suicide. They tried to resuscitate him after the explosion but he died. He was rejected asylum but they allowed him to remain "because of the situation in Syria".

Ansbach is near Nuremburg in Bavaria
BREAKING: Bavaria's top security official says Ansbach attacker a 27-year-old Syrian who had been denied asylum.
- The Associated Press (@AP) July 25, 2016
The material used to make the bomb came from "metal items used in wood manufacturing,” Janek reports Hermann as saying. In other words, it is the type of bomb we have been warning about for a couple of years that we stated was on its way which social media allows bomb training instructions while they take down the supposed 'hate' we report.
So lets see. Todays terror-tally we had a bearded asylum seeking Syrian Muslim hacking a pregnant woman to death in Reutlingen where German police said was simply a "crime of passion," another blowing himself up was a "premature detonation" (in other words he didn't intend it when in reality he was not allowed entry into the major crowd and had no choice but to detonate to instantly go to Allah's heaven) and another Syrian (Sonboly) whom a couple of days ago shot and killed nine people and the German police said he was a "right-wing nut" from Iran. We revealed that he too was Syrian.
Police arrest a man in Reutilingen, Germany, after a woman was killed with a machete and two others injured CREDIT: AP

Bavarian interior minister, the slick willy, Joachim Herrmann addresses the news conference in Ansbach. Photograph: Michaela Rehle/Reuters
Lets see what we have for tomorrow's schedule. What will it be? Zombies Hacking? Amish looking dudes shooting civilians in a mall? Refugees knifing school kids? Bi-polar patients bombing buildings?
What type of mental illnesses will they reveal tomorrow? Bi-polar disorder?
Germany cannot keep covering up these stories. There is an old Middle Eastern street proverb that says "snow always melts and the poop under will always be revealed".
Apparently Germany has been eating yellow snow and tomorrow Germans will still be on the Halal Menu.

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