
Hillary (or should I say, "Hitlery") wants to allow unborn children to be murdered in the third trimester, in horrific ways. This woman is absolutely evil, a modern day Jezebel. The American people cannot vote in this female Hitler! Here is the report on what evils she will support, facilitate and enable:

As Hillary Clinton claimed the Democratic presidential nomination Thursday night, the pro-life group Live Action posted a video on its Facebook page Tuesday showing a doctor who performed over 1,200 abortions explaining the gruesome details behind a Clinton-supported late-term abortion procedure.

The video features obstetrician-gynecologist Dr. Anthony Levatino, who conducted abortions in the early part of his career before he realized that abortion, the killing of unborn children, is immoral.

Levatino explains how a late-term induced abortion, which is performed at 25 weeks of gestation to until birth, is conducted.

"At this point, the baby is almost fully developed and viable. Meaning, he or she could survive outside the womb if the mother were to go into labor prematurely," Levatino explained. "Because the baby is so large and developed, this procedure takes three or four days to complete."

On the first day, Levatino explains that the abortionist essentially poisons the baby by sticking a large needle filled with a drug called Digoxin through the woman's abdomen or vagina into the baby's face, torso or heart. The drug, which is normally used to treat heart problems, causes the baby to suffer from fatal cardiac arrest and die.

"The baby will feel it," Levatino asserted. "Babies at this stage feel pain."

The doctor then inserts sticks of seaweed called Laminaria into the woman's cervix so that the cervix will slowly open enough for the delivery of a stillborn baby. The woman returns home or to a hotel and waits for two to three days for her cervix to expand, Levatino said.

"On day two, the abortionist replaces the Laminaria and may perform a second ultrasound to ensure the baby is dead. If the child is still alive, he administers another lethal dose of Digoxin," Levatino stated. "The woman then goes back to where she is staying while her cervix continues to dilate."

But if the woman goes into labor before she can make it back to the abortion clinic, the doctor might advise her "to deliver her baby into a bathroom toilet," Levatino added.

"If she can make it to the clinic, she will do so during her severest contractions and deliver the dead son or daughter," he continued. "If the baby does not come out whole, then the procedure becomes a D&E — a Dilation and Evacuation. And the abortionist uses clamps and forceps to dismember the baby piece by piece. Once the placenta and all the body parts are removed, the abortion is complete."

The procedure does not come without health risks to the mother. Levatino said that late-term abortions present risks of hemorrhaging, lacerations, uterine perforations and even maternal death. Additionally, he explained that future pregnancies have a greater risk of premature delivery because of "abortion-related trauma" to the cervix.

The United States is one of seven countries in the world where late-term abortions are legal beyond 20 weeks of gestation.

Clinton, who was endorsed by America's largest abortion provider Planned Parenthood, has received much criticism from pro-lifers because of her opposition to abortion restrictions and limits.

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