

Erika Steinbach is a member of Chancellor Merkel’s Christian Democrat Union Party and represents the state of Hesse in central-west Germany. Like many corrupt American politicians, she was elected to the Frankfurt city council in 1977 and has been in office ever since, including being a member of the German Parliament (Bundestag) since 1990.

As Wikipedia points out, Ms. Steinbach is better known in Poland and the Czech Republic because of her comments in support of Nazi-era policies against both Slavic neighbors. This resentment begins as early as 1990 when as a new member of the Bundestag she voted against the ratification of new Polish-German national boundary lines based on traditional, medieval territorial boundaries established between the two (then) empires. However, what made Poland and the Czech Republic most upset was that she claimed that Hitler did not start World War II or actually invade anybody, but rather that he was reacting to Polish and Czech “aggression.”

Needless to say, it is something when a career politician in the most powerful (and hated) party in any country turns against its own. The following photo below which she posed indicates how far even Merkel’s own people, even if it only is a means to stay in power for a longer term, have turned against her. The translation:

Germany 2030: And where are you from?


Her response to her critics?

 “All reality-deniers: more people in Germany are afraid that locals will become a minority than you think possible!”

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