

Kudos to the police officer who made the arrest.

The German Green Political Party supports the Muslim invasion of Germany. On their own website under the section entitled “Integration and Refugee Policy: they write:

We oppose a “Fortress Europe”. We stand for high human rights standards in the asylum procedure and in the reception of refugees. We want to abolish not only the so-called residence requirement and detention, but also the discriminatory Asylum Seekers Power Law (which was formulated to prevent the abuse of Germany’s migration laws). We are also committed to realisti,c suitable provisions on residence rights and a secure future prospects for tolerated peoples. Finally, the Federal Constitutional Court in 2012 clearly said that guaranteed in the Basic Law for human dignity – especially the refugees – must be “migration policy does not relativize.”

One of the leading members of the German Green Party is Volker Beck. He has been involved with the party since 1994, when he served as the Party’s speaker for legal affairs. During his tenure he has been one of the biggest promoters of “anti-discrimination laws” in favor of pedophiles, homosexuals, and Muslims. He was also speaker of the Association of Lesbians and Gays in Germany for more than ten years and is considered the “father” of Germany’s civil unions. He is the spokesman for the German Alliance of Homosexuals and Pedophiles and has praised Islam in the past for its “progressive” ideas about child marriage.

Fortunately, Mr. Beck’s term has come to an end because he has resigned amidst and ongoing police investigation that discovered he was buying and using crystal meth. The story below:

Volker Beck, spokesman for interior and religious affairs as well as President for German-Israeli Friendship in the Bundestag resigned after police found Crystal Meth on him. The former Spokesman for the Green party is known for his strong efforts to legalize pedophilia, abolish the age of consent and bring public acceptance to sexual relationships between parents and their children. His college and member of the European Parliament, Cohn-Bendit, wrote essays about his sexual experiences with underage boys and girls. The official party’s goal is to (quote from Bendit): “bring as many foreigners as humanly possible into Germany, fight for their right to vote and use it to permanently change the country”.

He demanded the foundation of an Islamic Party in Germany to “make sure Muslims get represented as much as they deserve” and urged to end calling parts of Muslim law “unconstitutional” in Germany. He sees Islam as the future of Germany, as “Hitler was the impersonation of Western values, which should be abolished for good”.

He is also known for demanding that a reasonable size of Germany’s total economy be distributed around the world so Germany “suffers appropriately for its crimes” and compensates all poorer parts of the world. Quote: “Every single penny from Germany’s economy should be extracted so it doesn’t benefit ethnic Germans, this is the only fair thing to do”.

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