
On Friday, in a post titled, Carol Bundy Issues a Call to Arms For Militia Around the Country to Join The Hammond Family in Burns, Oregon For a Showdown With the Feds, I expressed my grave concerns about the potential for something awful to happen at an armed protest that was scheduled for yesterday at 2pm. The good news is the protest went well.

The not such good news is that a group of around 150 armed militia took over a federal building and say they are willing to die if they don’t get their demands met. Their demands I might add, are that this leviathan of a federal government stop infringing on their rights… the rights granted to them by the Bill of Rights, and the rights Barack Obama continues to trample.

As Americans, we best pray this situation cools down REAL quickly, and IF it does, then before an all out uprising or civil war breaks out, it’s time to have Barack Obama removed from office, and tried for his crimes. Although I have no reason to suspect this will end quickly or quietly, I pray that it does. 

Here’s the problem: Even if it does miraculously end quickly and without bloodshed, it won’t be long before there’s another incident like it. Why?

Presently there are roughly 100 million Americans who own a total of about 300 million guns. They own them legally, they pose no threat to anyone, and they are sick and tired of the un-American, Christian hating, lawless, treasonous thug in the White House who insists on provoking them by violating their inalienable rights as laid out in the Bill of Rights. 

There’s a good reason Over 1 In 4 Americans Now Believe the U.S. Government is the Enemy of the People, and in a recent poll, 1/3 of Americans Said They Would Support a Military Coup to Oust Barack Obama. 

People are SICK of the hypocrisy coming out of Washington D.C. and the White House. It’s nauseating. 

While Obama lectures law abiding Americans about guns, it’s HIM that’s breaking our laws at will. Even his own appointee as Director of the Defense Intelligence Agency, General Michael Flynn, has come forward and accused Obama of outright TREASON. Flynn, and several other very high ranking members of the military have accused Obama outright of, “Knowingly and Willingly Arming ISIS.“

More recently, last week the CIA Revealed its Findings that Both Barack and Hillary Funded and Armed ISIS (Video). ISIS is our ENEMY! One IS the President, and the other is running for President. That is TREASON, it is unacceptable, and it makes BOTH unfit to hold office. 

The events currently unfolding in Oregon are no more than a mere symptom of a much larger problem. If you don’t understand the problem, than you are part of the problem.

Gun and ammo sales every week confirm what I am saying. Americans are sick and tired of being talked down to by the jackass in the oval office, as well as the rest of the DC cartel. They all need to be reminded, ESPECIALLY Obama, they are servants of the people, not the other way around, something Obama simply is incapable of grasping. Contrary to his beliefs, he is not a God.

For anyone not paying attention, Obama and the UN Have Recently “Declared” Themselves Above the U.S. Constitution, are and are proceeding ahead accordingly with plans that are not in the best interests of the Americans people.

Don’t take my word for it, you can download the documents right from the U.N. in the highlighted post, and read them for yourself. Furthermore, It’s not just the U.N. acting contrary to the interests of American sovereignty.

Recently, while most of us were busy celebrating the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ, and spending time with our families during the Christmas holidays, guess what Obama’s band of clapping seals were doing? In the House of Representatives, Democrats were focused on the most important issue to Barack Obama: Pushing a Massive Bill to Implement Sharia Law In U.S. For the Well-Being of Muslims.

Barack Obama has done irreparable damage to this country, and it’s time for him to answer for his crimes. Thomas Jefferson once said, “The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.” well, right now, there are 150 patriots holed up in a federal building, and there is one tyrant in the White House. Hey Barry, “No justice, no peace.” Americans want justice. Resign. 

Militia Have Seized Federal Building in Oregon




Listen to the President’s New Years Resolution, specifically the part about how if we can “just keeping one more person safe,” then whatever illegal action he takes will be worth it. Then, replay the video and replace gun violence with radical Islamic terrorists.

All of a sudden the exact arguments this sociopath makes for guns is out the window for terrorism. In other words: He’s full of crap, and the American people are on to him. THAT is how you know this president could CARE LESS about keeping people safe. He just wants the guns. Dispute that. Good luck.

PROOF Obama’s Gun Grab Not About Safety

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