
Tommy Robinson

Apparently the UK Government, who gave up on her fellow Englishmen and has chosen to support Islam at all costs, is reinstating “assault” charges again Tommy Robinson AFTER he announcement that he was leading PEGIDA UK.

The charges? That he “attacked” a Muslim while in prison. Mr. Robinson asserts that he was defending himself against a Muslim who was attempting to throw a cup of boiling water on him.

From the International Business Times:

“The police told my solicitors I was going to be charged with battery. I was told this allegation was dropped and then two days after the Pegida UK press conference they say I’m going to be charged.

“Whatever this is all about, it’s a complete fabrication. It’s all to do with that press conference. The amount of stupid things they’ve arrested me for in the past, it’s ridiculous.”


On the other hand, it was nice to see Anjem Choudary facing one charge for terrorism this January 2016– “giving support to the Islamic State.” After all, the British government has known he has been actively training terrorists since at least 1999.


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