Since mid-July 2020, the Corona Committee has been conducting live, multi-hour sessions to investigate why federal and state governments imposed unprecedented restrictions as part of the Coronavirus response and what the consequences have been and still are for people, and in a video uploaded on the 2nd September they spoke with Dr Sam White.
Dr Sam White recently published a video that went viral on social media being viewed by over 1 million people. In it he said that “the vaccine programme has been rolled out in breach of the legal requirements for clinicians to obtain the free and informed consent of those being vaccinated,” and “the requirement to wear face coverings in an NHS setting is in breach of common law obligations not to cause harm and breaches statutory obligations in relation to provision of PPE”.
Since the video went viral Dr Sam White was told on the 26th June 2021 that he was suspended with immediate effect from all work within the UK’s National Health Service (NHS). The reason given was due to the social media video he had made.
However, a day later he received a phone call from a senior clinical advisor to NHS England who did not reference his social media video as the reason for his suspension but instead claimed he had been suspended due to having a “health problem”. Implying that it had been decided Dr Sam White must be mentally ill due to the claims he had made in the video.
With the help of Philip Hyland Solicitors, Dr Sam White then sent a letter addressed to the Chief Executive Officer of NHS EnglandSir Simon Stevens. The letter was also sent to Cressida Dick the Metropolitan Police chief, Charlie Massey the Chief Executive of the General Medical Council, Kathryn Stone OBE the Commissioner for Parliamentary Standards, and Lindsay Hoyle, Speaker of the House of Commons.
The solicitors asked Sir Simon Stevens to treat the letter as “a public interest disclosure or whistle blow in that it raises allegations of alleged criminal conduct and breach of legal obligations by those leading the Covid response” and is extremely condemning of the authorities which have imposed Draconian restrictions and unnecessary medical treatments on the British people for the past sixteen months.

“My client raised concerns during his NHS five year revalidation appraisal process with the NHS in November 2020. All of these concerns were raised during the revalidation appraisal process and overlap with what is in my client’s social media content.
“The NHS took no action on either the substance of the concerns raised in my client’s appraisal nor did the NHS take any action against my client for raising those concerns during his appraisal. My client’s appraisal was signed off by the NHS Responsible Person. The same Responsible Person who later suspended my client. The NHS appear to have acted in the way they did because my client pointed out that there are a number of elephants in the room.”
The letter makes several extremely serious accusations which you can read in full here.
Dr Sam White recently attended a tribunal held by the General Medical Council, the regulatory body in the UK who decide which doctors are qualified to work in the UK and set standards that doctors must follow. The same regulatory body that have so far refused to investigate several false claims made by Dr Hilary Jones to millions of people on the TV show Good Morning Britain.
The GMC did not consider any evidence in the tribunal claiming they were not there to do that, despite the viral video made by Dr Sam White being evidence based and supported by expert witnesses. The GMC decided to charge Dr Sam White with “quoting misinformation”.
They then told Dr Sam White that he can no longer comment on any aspect of the pandemic via social media and placed restrictions on his practice for a further 18 months pending a full trial by the GMC., breaching his human right to freedom of speech.
Rather than remain silent as instructed by the GMC, Dr Sam White instead decided to speak to Dr Reiner Fuellmich and the rest of the Corona Committee based in Germany.
Since July 2020 the Corona Investigative Committee in Germany has taken testimony from a large number of international scientists and experts, and you can watch their discussion with Dr Sam White in Session No. 67 from the 02:09:30 mark in the video below –
The Exposé is now censored on
Google, Facebook & Twitter.
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