It’s time to admit the Covid-19 injection programme is a huge failure, stop jabbing children, and return to normal life because according to the latest Public Health data they simply either do not work or quite possibly make the recipient worse if exposed to the alleged Covid-19 virus.
We can exclusively reveal that the unvaccinated account for just 25% of deaths in the last four weeks, (and that percentage has reduced in more recent weeks), the unvaccinated have a much lower chance of being hospitalised, a much lower chance of death if infected with Covid-19, and a much lower chance of death if hospitalised with Covid-19, and the Public Health Authorities are doing their best to hide it.
Public Health Scotland (PHS) have been releasing a weekly Covid-19 statistical report with an array of data on testing, cases, hospitalisations, and deaths. A report released by PHS back in June 2021 even revealed the total number of deaths to have occurred within 28 days of having a Covid-19 injection since the vaccination programme began.
Up to the 11th June 2021, PHS state that 5,522 died within 28 days of having either the Pfizer, Moderna, or AstraZeneca Covid-19 injection.

Strangely, Public Health Scotland have not released any updates on this figure since June 2021; most likely due to the unfavourable number that have occurred,. But at least they bothered to release some information on the number of deaths to have occurred within 28 days of having a Covid-19 injection, unlike Public Health England who claim they do not have a record of the data.
The latest PHS Covid-19 statistical report was published on the 1st September 2021 with the vast majority statistics ranging up to the date of the 30th August 2021, except for deaths in which PHS only provide the number to have occurred up to the 19th August 2021.
Public Health Scotland present the number of cases, hospitalisations, and deaths by vaccination status – however, it should be noted that they regard someone who has received two doses of a Covid-19 injection less than 14 days prior to their confirmed case, hospitalisation or death as only having had a single dose. And they regard someone has received a single dose less than 14 days prior to their confirmed case, hospitalisation, or death as unvaccinated.
Table 15 of the latest report shows us the number of confirmed positive Covid-19 cases by week and vaccination status from the 31st July through to the 27th August 2021. The most recent week beginning 21st August 2021 shows that 15,442 cases occurred among the unvaccinated population, whilst 14,346 occurred among the fully vaccinated population. This represents a 2-fold increase in the number of cases from the previous week in both the unvaccinated and fully vaccinated population.

However, taking data from the previous four weeks we can find that a total of 30,091 cases have been confirmed among the unvaccinated population, whilst 27,450 cases have occurred among the fully vaccinated population. Therefore, you would expect hospitalisations to also be highest among the unvaccinated population, especially considering the fact they haven’t had a Covid-19 injection that would have allegedly reduced their risk of hospitalisation and death by 95%.
Table 16 of the latest report shows us the number of hospitalisations by week and vaccination status from the 31st July through to the 27th August 2021. The most recent week beginning 21st August 2021 shows that 153 hospitalisations have occurred among the unvaccinated population, whilst 261 hospitalisations have occurred among the fully vaccinated population.
“That must be an anomaly?”, we hear some you ask. “Surely if the Covid-19 injection reduced the risk of hospitalisation by 95% then there should be less fully vaccinated people hospitalised with Covid-19 than unvaccinated people? Because there have been less fully vaccinated people infected with Covid-19 than unvaccinated people”.

Well we’re afraid it isn’t an anomaly, because taking the totals for the last four weeks from the 31st July the number of hospitalisations in the unvaccinated population stands at 509, whilst the number of hospitalisations among the fully vaccinated population stands at 657.
What this also shows is that the fully vaccinated are at a much higher risk of being hospitalised if infected with Covid-19. Just 1.69% of cases among the unvaccinated population in the last four weeks have resulted in hospitalisation, whilst 2.4% of cases among the fully vaccinated population have resulted in hospitalisation.
This shows that the fully vaccinated are 1.42 times / 42% more likely to be hospitalised with Covid-19 than the unvaccinated population, when the Covid-19 injection is supposed to make them 95% less likely to be hospitalised with Covid-19 than the unvaccinated population.
“Maybe they were hospitalised with something else and just tested positive?” we hear you ask. “Surely the majority of deaths have occurred among the unvaccinated population, considering the majority of cases are among the unvaccinated?”.
Well, this is where Public Health Scotland are doing their upmost to make it seem like the majority of deaths are among the unvaccinated population when the opposite is in fact true.
Rather than showing the total number of deaths on a week by week basis like they have with both cases and hospitalisations, PHS have decided to present deaths by vaccination status using the start date of December 29th 2021.
PHS claim they use the date of 29th December 2020 because it accounts for “protection to develop after the first dose” due to this date being 21 days after the start of the vaccination programme.

But by doing so they have been able to easily ensure alleged Covid-19 deaths are the highest among the unvaccinated because by the peak of the alleged second wave of Covid-19 deaths on the 27th January 2021, Scotland had only given a single dose of a Covid-19 vaccine to 9% of the population, whilst just 0.1% were fully vaccinated. Therefore a huge swathe of alleged Covid-19 deaths have of course occurred in the unvaccinated population, because a negligible amount of people were vaccinated at the time.

But by comparing the weekly reports released by PHS we are able to work out the true number of Covid-19 deaths by vaccination status and it shows that the vast majority are occurring among the fully vaccinated.
Table 17 of the most recent report reveals that from the 29th December 2020 through to the 19th August 2021 there have been 3,096 deaths among the unvaccinated population, 277 deaths among the partly vaccinated population, and 264 deaths among the fully vaccinated population – but don’t forget, the majority of the deaths in the unvaccinated population occurred between the 29th December 2020 and the 27th January 2021 when just 0.1% of Scotland were fully vaccinated.

If we rewind four weeks to the report released by PHS on the 2nd August 2021 we can see that 3,052 occurred among the unvaccinated population, 270 deaths occurred in the partly vaccinated population, and 140 deaths occurred among the fully vaccinated population up to the 22nd July 2021.

This means that based on the most recent data just 44 deaths occurred among the unvaccinated population in the last four weeks, whilst 7 deaths occurred in the partly vaccinated population, and 124 deaths occurred in the fully vaccinated population – meaning the unvaccinated have accounted for just 25% of Covid-19 deaths in the new Summer third wave despite accounting for the majority of alleged Covid-19 cases.
What this also shows is that that the risk of death, if infected or hospitalised with Covid-19, is much higher among the fully vaccinated population when the risk of death for the fully vaccinated is supposed to be reduced by 95% compared to the unvaccinated population.
In the most recent four weeks 0.1% of confirmed cases among the unvaccinated population have resulted in death, whilst 0.33% of confirmed cases among the fully vaccinated population have resulted in death. Therefore, according to Public Health Scotland’s own data, the risk of death if infected with Covid-19 is 3.3 times / 230% higher if fully vaccinated compared to being unvaccinated.
The data also shows that 6.5% of hospitalisations among the unvaccinated population have resulted in death, whilst 14% of hospitalisations among the fully vaccinated population have resulted in death. Therefore, the risk of death if hospitalised with Covid-19 is 2.15 times / 115% higher if fully vaccinated compared to being unvaccinated.
If the Covid-19 injections were working then we should be seeing the majority of hospitalisations and deaths among the unvaccinated population because they account for the majority of confirmed cases. But the Public Health Scotland data isn’t just showing us that they’re not working, it’s also showing us that the Covid-19 injections seem to be making people who are infected with Covid-19 worse.
Therefore it’s time to admit the Covid-19 injection programme has been a huge failure, stop giving an experimental injection to children, and return to normal life.
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