Freedom protesters attended a protest in Brighton on Bank Holiday Monday in which they successfully managed to shut down an NHS Vaccination Centre for Children but were then assaulted and abused by “Covid Cultists” for doing so.
On Monday 31st August 2021 the NHS opened a mass vaccination Centre in what used to be a Topshop store in Church Hill Square, Brighton. But it was not open for very long thanks to the presence of a group of freedom protesters who attended to educate young teenagers and anyone willing to listen about the dangers of taking an experimental injection.
A large group led by Kate Shemirani; an ex-nurse, and Fiona Rose Diamond; a freedom activist, marched through the shopping centre in Brighton educating shoppers on the adverse reactions to the Covid-19 injections that have been reported to the MHRA Yellow Card scheme. (You can view the latest UK Government report on adverse reactions here)
Then thanks to the presence of the protestors, the NHS Vaccination Centre made the decision to close canceling all appointments that had been made.

Much to the displeasure of one “Covid cultist” who labelled the group of freedom protesters psychos and murderers because his wife was unable to get her Covid-19 injection.
But that didn’t deter the protesters who remained calm and measured throughout the entire day and stuck to their main aim of educating the public on the consequences seen due to the experimental Covid-19 injection programme in the United Kingdom.

However, some time later a disgruntled “Covid Cultist” told the protesters to “f**k off” numerous times before assaulting a gentlemen, smashing the phone of a woman, and then assaulting another woman by hitting her in the face.
This is the face of the gentlemen who carried out the assault on a woman –

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