The public have been repeatedly told that the Covid-19 vaccines are “100% safe and effective” because they have been through the same rigorous testing every other approved vaccine has been through, despite the fact it took less than a year to allegedly formulate a vaccine, test it, and “get it into the arms” of the general public.

Today we can confirm that you have been lied to, the Covid-19 vaccines have not been through the same rigorous testing as other vaccines, and they are neither safe or effective, and we can prove this via a wealth of available official government data.

Public Health England have now been replaced by a new organisation, dreamt up by ex-Health Secretary, Matt Hancock. The new organisation is now known as the ‘UK Health Security Agency’. That’s a slightly sinister and extremely concerning name isn’t it?

The new UK Health Security Agency released a report on Thursday September 30th entitled ‘Vaccine Surveillance Report – Week 39‘, and within it they have published the number of alleged Covid-19 cases, hospitalisations, and deaths from week 35 to week 38 of 2021, by vaccination status.

Table 2 of the report reveals that between August 30th 2021, and September 26th 2021 there were a total of 699,489 positive test results for the Covid-19 virus recorded in England. Of these, 316,002 cases were among the not vaccinated population, 53,070 were among the partly vaccinated population, and 273,540 were among the fully vaccinated population.

This means that the unvaccinated accounted for 45% of Covid-19 cases throughout September, whereas people who had received at least one dose of a Covid-19 vaccine accounted for 47% of Covid-19 cases throughout September.

This is extremely concerning when you take into account that 240,077 of the Covid-19 cases in the unvaccinated population were in children under the age of 18. Children are being tested regularly in schools despite the fact they rarely even suffer a temperature due to the alleged virus.

If we remove confirmed cases of Covid-19 in children under 18 from the equation all together then we are left with a very different set of results that tell an entirely different story.

Confirmed cases among all unvaccinated adults over the age of 18 between August 30th and September 26th equate to 75,925. Whilst confirmed cases among all adults who had received at least one dose of a Covid-19 vaccine equate to 313,292. Therefore unvaccinated adults account for just 18% of cases in September, whilst vaccinated adults account for 74% of cases in September.

The data published by the UK Health Security Agency on cases also shows that the Covid-19 vaccine actually has a negative effectiveness as high as -66% in all adults over the age of 40, with the average efficacy equating to -50%. This is far from the 95% effectiveness claimed by the vaccine manufacturers, and the data actually shows that adults are up to 66% more likely to develop Covid-19 if they have been vaccinated.

We covered the negative efficacy of the Covid-19 vaccines in detail in an article published October 1st 2021 which can be viewed here. But these are the results of the effectiveness of the vaccines by age groups based on the equation used by vaccine manufacturers to claim an effectiveness of 95% –

Table 3 of the report published by the UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) shows the number of people admitted to hospital after testing positive for Covid-19 from August 30th to September 26th 2021, by vaccination status, and the table tells a similar story to that of cases, except the figures are actually worse for those who have been vaccinated.

The number of unvaccinated people admitted to hospital with Covid-19 during this time was 2,922. The number of partly vaccinated people admitted to hospital was 356, and the number of fully vaccinated people admitted to hospital was 4,378.

This means that during September 2021 the unvaccinated accounted for just 38% of hospitalisations due to Covid-19, whilst the vaccinated accounted for 62%.

Table 4 of the report published by UKHSA shows the number of deaths to have occurred between August 30th and September 26th within 28 days of a positive test result for Covid-19, by vaccination status, and again things are worse among the fully vaccinated.

There were 687 deaths among the unvaccinated, 110 deaths among the partly vaccinated, and 2,338 deaths among the fully vaccinated.

This means that the unvaccinated account for just 22% of Covid-19 deaths during September 2021, whilst the vaccinated account for a disastrous 78%.

There are of course those that will argue that this is to be expected when the majority of the adult population are allegedly vaccinated. However, this argument falls down when we compare the number of deaths that are occurring compared to the same time last year when not a single person was vaccinated because there wasn’t a Covid-19 vaccine available.

If the vaccines were working then yes we would probably still see Covid-19 deaths among the vaccinated, but not in the quantity that is occurring now.

As you can see from the above graph Covid-19 deaths are approximately eleven times higher than this time last year, despite having a mass vaccination programme, and seasonality being on our side. If the vaccines were working then these are possibly the number of Covid-19 deaths you would expect to see in the middle of winter, not the middle of summer. But autumn has now arrived, so we don’t have long to wait to see how disastrous the vaccination programme turns out to be.

It isn’t just the data on Covid-19 cases, hospitalisations, and deaths that prove the Covid-19 vaccines are far from safe and effective though, there is some extremely concerning signs that they are not safe in further data published September 27th by Public Health England in their ‘Nation Ambulance Syndromic Surveillance System‘ report.

We expect this will be the last report published published by Public Health England and all future reports to be published by the UK Health Security Agency. The report contains statistics on the number of calls requesting an ambulance and the symptoms that the calls relate to.

The latest report shows that calls relating for cardiac or respiratory arrest are above both the expected average and above pre-Covid-19 levels, and they have been ever since June 2021.

As you can see in the above graph calls for cardiac and respiratory arrest suddenly crept above the expected level around the beginning of June, before sky rocketing in the middle of July, and have yet to fall to the expected pre-Covid-19 level since then.

A similar pattern also occurred in call requesting an ambulance due to a person being unconscious.

The question is, what caused the sudden jump in calls requesting an ambulance due to cardiac arrest or unconsciousness?

It is now known that younger adults, teenagers, and children (especially males) are much more likely to suffer myocarditis due to the Pfizer or Moderna Covid-19 injections. Both jabs have had warnings added to the safety labels by the UK Medicine Regulator due to a suspicion they are causing myocarditis and pericarditis in younger adults, mainly men, after they have had the second dose.

Myocarditis is inflammation of the heart muscle, whereas pericarditis is inflammation of the protective sacs surrounding the heart. Both are extremely serious conditions due to the vital role the heart plays in keeping a person alive, and the fact that the heart muscle cannot regenerate. Serious myocarditis can lead to cardiac arrest and knock years off a persons life.

So it is interesting to find that the Covid-19 vaccine began to be rolled-out to younger adults around the end of May, and then to under 18’s at the end of June, correlating with the increase in calls requesting an ambulance due to cardiac arrest and unconsciousness.

Official NHS data found in the ‘Covid-19 weekly announced vaccinations 01 July 2021 – revised’ which can be downloaded here, and accessed on the NHS website here, shows that between 8th December 2020 and 27th June 2021, 147,123 people under the age of 18 had received at least one dose of a Covid-19 vaccine

We can confirm that all documents published by the NHS preceding this do not include an under 18 age group, so we can therefore assume that the week of 20th June – 27th June was the first week that thousands of under 18’s started getting the Covid-19 vaccine.

But we also discovered something else extremely concerning that correlated with the jab roll-out to teenagers, and an increase in calls requesting an ambulance due to cardiac arrest. Courtesy of Office for National Statistics data, we discovered a significant increase in the number of deaths among teenagers compared to the same time last year.

Chart showing deaths among Teens aged 15-19, 2020 vs 2021

The 2020 edition of ‘Deaths registered weekly in England and Wales’, which can be downloaded here, and accessed on the ONS website here, shows that between the week ending 26th June and the week ending 18th September 2020, a total of 148 deaths occurred among 15 – 19-year-olds.

Whereas the 2021 editions of ‘Deaths registered weekly in England and Wales, which can be downloaded here, and accessed on the ONS website here, shows that between the week ending 25th June 2021 and the week ending 17th September 2021, a total of 217 deaths occurred among 15 – 19-year-olds.

This shows that the number of deaths between June 19th 2021 and September 17th 2021 among teens aged 15 and over were 47% higher than the number of deaths in this age group during the same period in 2020, and the increase in deaths began at precisely the same time teens started receiving the Covid-19 vaccine, and also correlated with the huge increase in calls requesting an ambulance due to cardiac arrest.

To summarise, UK Health Security Agency data shows that the vaccinated account for 47% of Covid-19 cases, 62% of hospitalisations, and 78% of Covid-19 deaths in September. The same data also shows that the vaccines actually have a negative effectiveness as low as -66% in the over 40’s.

Official data also shows that Covid-19 deaths during September were approximately eleven times higher than the number of Covid-19 deaths that occurred in September 2020 when there wasn’t a Covid-19 vaccine available.

Public Health England data shows that calls for cardiac arrest have increased against expected levels ever since younger adults started to get the Covid-19 vaccine; and jumped dramatically once teens started to have the jab (the majority of which will have been 19 and 18 years old).

ONS data also shows that deaths among teenagers have increased by 47% compared to the same period in 2020, ever since they started to get the Covid-19 vaccines.

Yet the authorities repeatedly tell the public that the Covid-19 vaccines are “100% safe and effective”. They are lying to you. But the problem we now face is that they are using that lie to come for your children.

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source https://theexpose.uk/2021/10/03/safe-and-effective-78-percent-covid-deaths-vaccinated-47-percent-rise-teen-deaths/

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