Covid-19 has disproportionately affected the elderly and vulnerable with other underlying conditions, and data shows that the risk of death due to Covid-19 ranges from miniscule to negligible for the under 50’s prior to the availability of a Covid-19 injection. This makes the latest official data on Covid-19 extremely concerning, because it shows the risk of death due to Covid-19 for people between the ages of 18 and 29 due to Covid-19 increases if they have been fully vaccinated.
The latest Vaccine Surveillance report published by Public Health England’s new sinister replacement, the UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA), has so far revealed that 80% of Covid-19 deaths in September 2021 were among the fully vaccinated population, and that the Covid-19 vaccines currently have negative effectiveness as low as minus-eighty-six-percent among the over 30’s, and now a further investigation into the published data has revealed that the risk of death due to Covid-19 increases by 69% among 18 – 29-year-olds who have been fully vaccinated.

Table 3 of the UKHSA report shown above, reveals that between the 6th September and 3rd October 2021 a total of 348 people were admitted to hospital with Covid-19 who were aged between 18 and 29.
Of these 241 were not vaccinated, 41 were partly vaccinated, and 60 were fully vaccinated.
Whilst table 4 of the UKHSA report reveals that between 6th September and 3rd October 2021 a total of 18 people sadly lost their lives after testing positive for Covid-19 who were between the ages of 18 and 29.

Of these 12 were not vaccinated, whilst 5 were fully vaccinated.
At first glance these numbers may make you believe that the Covid-19 injections are working, but when you analyse the number of deaths against the number of hospitalisations they tell a completely different story.
Out of 241 unvaccinated people aged between 18 and 29 who presented to emergency care resulting in overnight inpatient admission, a total of 12 people sadly lost their lives. This equates to a hospitalisation-fatality rate (deaths divided by hospitalisations) of 4.9%.
However, out of 60 fully vaccinated people aged between 18 and 29 who presented to emergency care resulting in overnight inpatient admission, a total of 5 people sadly lost their lives. This equates to a hospitalisation-fatality rate of 8.3%.
Therefore, the hospitalisation-fatality rate among fully vaccinated people aged between 18 and 29 is 69.38% higher than the hospitalisation-fatality rate among unvaccinated people aged between 18 and 29, meaning the risk of death due to Covid-19 is 69.38% higher among fully vaccinated adults aged between 18 and 29.
What’s also interesting to note here is the fact that deaths are actually occurring among fully vaccinated 18 – 29-year-olds in the first place, because the Covid-19 vaccines allegedly reduce the risk of death by up to 95%, and the risk of death in 18 – 29-year-old’s was already negligible.
NHS data shows that between March 1st and December 30th 2020 a total of 317 people aged between 20 and 39 died with Covid-19. Of these 46 people had no known pre-existing conditions, and 271 people had other extremely serious underlying conditions.

Yet in the space of four weeks five people aged between 18 and 29 lost their lives due to Covid-19 despite being fully vaccinated, this does not make sense if the vaccines reduce the risk of death. Therefore, the only conclusion can be that the vaccines do not work and make the recipient worse.
This is also evident by the fact 80% of Covid-19 deaths in September were among the fully vaccinated population.

And the fact the number of Covid-19 deaths in September 2021 were over twelve times higher than the number of Covid-19 deaths throughout September 2020 when there was no Covid-19 vaccine available, and instead seasonality leant a helping hand in reducing the circulation of Covid-19.

Plus the fact the Covid-19 vaccines are collectively proving to have a negative efficacy in everybody over the age of 30 as low as -85.71%, with an average vaccine effectiveness of minus-47.69%.

You can read how our full investigation into the effectiveness of the Covid-19 vaccines based on the UK Health Security Agencies latest ‘Vaccine Surveillance’ report here.
The new UK Health Security Agency report proves without a shadow of a doubt that the Covid-19 vaccines do not work, and make the recipient worse, especially 18 – 29-year-olds whose risk of death due to Covid-19 increases by 69.38% once fully vaccinated.
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