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In what is shaping up to be historic primaries with the possibility for an amazing political race with long-lasting historical consequences, Donald Trump for the Republicans and Bernie Sanders for the Democrats destroyed their respective opponents in the recent New Hampshire primaries.

Now while there are still more primaries to go, election 2016 is going to be serious:

Possibly the most serious election since this country has had since the Civil War.

The stakes are high. The contenders are ruthless. The future of America literally hangs in the balance.

Bernie Sanders in his victory speech is calling for a revolution:

He is after all a proclaimed socialist. Everybody knows how well that has worked out for everybody who has tried socialism:

gun control experts


Russian Gulag




Mao’s “Great Leap Forward”


Then there is the man who wants to make America great again:

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Your vote matters. Especially this time. 

Trump 2016

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