UFO Alien Mummy Child

Alien investigators tried to garner support for their theory that the mummy, reportedly removed from a Mayan tomb in Mexico, is an extra terrestrial and not a child mummy, as sceptics claim.

the 50-inch-long mummy was shown during a UFO conference in Sofia, Bulgaria, where several ‘UFO experts” tried to convince the crowds its eyes were too big to be that of a human child, and its “near non-existent ears” mean it is also not of this world.

Alien conspiracy theorists claim there is evidence in major historical sites of ancient civilisations, such as the Mayyan and Egyptians, that they were visited by advanced alien races, that helped them build structures such as ancient pyramids.

These conspiracy theories were further boosted last week, when it emerged last week that during thermal tests on the ancient pyramids in Egypt, heat spot anomalies were found in three blocks at the base. This prompted alien researcher Scott C Waring to claim it could be string evidence for the theory. He said: “This anomaly is three very energy filled objects at the bottom of the pyramid.

“This could be the evidence we need to prove that it was created by ancient aliens and that they pyramid is more that a spectacle to look at.” The far-out theory contends that some of the alien visitors died on earth and were then buried by their human hosts in traditional ways.


And, this May, at a conference in Mexico, slides dating back to the 1940s were produded at a UFO conference attended by thousands of people, which the organisers claimed showed an alien “which crash landed in a flying saucer at Roswell, New Mexico, USA, in 1947. Sceptics produced evidence, however, including a display case sign, that identified it as the mummy of a two-year-old Native American child.

Sceptics produced evidence, however, including a display case sign, that identified it as the mummy of a two-year-old Native American child. Most scientists, however, also believe the mummy on display at the Bulgarian conference, and those found earlier in Egypt are also nothing more than child mummies ( via express.co.uk ).

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