As we cruise the internet daily there are tons of websites we may be unaware of, but may find really useful. I found this list of interesting/useful websites.


Zero Dollar Movies

If you are on a constantly looking for free, full length movies, Zero Dollar movies has an amazing collection of over 15,000 movie titles in multiple languages that are available to watch for free on Youtube. The website lists only full length movies and no trailers, or partial uploads. In addition, it has a clean interface, which contributes to an awesome movie watching experience.

Fax Zero

Fax Zero allows you to send free faxes to US and Canada. Fax Zero also enables you to send faxes to countries outside North America at a fixed pay per use cost.



Instructables provides instructions to help you build just about anything, the only limit is your own imagination. It provides a platform for people to explore, document, and share their original creations.


I hadn’t seen this language-teaching website (and app) before, Duolingo is a free version of Rosetta-Stone that provides the same results: teaching you to speak and write another language. Regular use of the site can have you speaking and writing Spanish, English, German, French, Portuguese and Italian in a matter of months depending on how much time you put into learning. Hopefully more languages will be offered soon.


With this next website, you’ll never be at a loss of what to make for dinner again. eMeals, a subscription-based meal planner that sends a customized grocery list and corresponding set of recipes for a full week of delicious dinners. Enter your food preferences (picky toddlers are welcomed!) and watch your inbox. Even better? Enter your closest grocery store and the list will be organized according to the store’s layout. Absolutely brilliant!



We may be the multi taskers but sometimes every one needs help and that where Task Rabbit is the perfect spot to hire out those jobs that you (a) can’t do, (b) hate to do, or (c) pretend to do while you’re grabbing a latte with your girlfriend.


Coursera is an education company that partners with the top universities and organizations in the world to offer courses online for anyone to take, for free.

www.howtodothings.com OR www.wikihow.com/Main-Page

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