
By Walid Shoebat


The evidence of Hillary’s aid, Huma Abedin’s connections to the Muslim Brotherhood and the Wahhabists is overwhelming, but an undercover video of her sentiments is rare. A video surfaced of Huma’s call to allow Muslim refugees to enter the U.S as it happened in Europe finally surfaced. This links the dots to the Muslim Minority Affairs connection by Huma and her family.

It is crucial to understand this issue of what is The Muslim Minority Affairs issue is which Huma was deeply involved in and the proof of membership can be seen in the link [here].

So her membership in ironclad, she, her mother, brother and father were instrumental. It is this family that  sparked the movement in the U.S. and they all worked as a collective unit in this mission.

Huma’s father, “Sayed Zaynul Abedin” in the manifesto commissioned by the late King Fahd bin Abdul Aziz [here] detailed the mission to flood the U.S. with Muslim minorities. The Abedins’ Institute for Muslim Minority Affairs—on whose Board Huma Abedin served for years—her father’s contributions (including his name on it) that had the king’s blessings and approval on literally every page. The Abedins played a central role. The House of Al Saud had used Huma’s father Sayed Zaynul Abedin’s work Muslim Minorities in the West published in 1998 as part of 29 works to construct a plan to conquer the world with Islam (see P. 134) and “The Muslim Minority Affairs” in the west was a major discussion with the United States mentioned throughout. The king of his pride had let out state secrets like others did with Wikileaks. Page after page explained the “Affairs”, not simply as a title, or as a religious or even a social activism, but as a Saudi foreign policy, a jurisprudence and commandment from the highest of authorities commissioned to the Saudi Ministry of Religious Affairs. It was an entire management system using “The Muslim Minority Affairs” as the main vehicle to bringing victory against an infidel world by increasing the numbers of Muslims in the United States.

It spoke of recruiting Muslims that live in non-Muslim lands and transforming them as a collective unit. It spoke of already established centers, educational programs, mosques and organizations in the United States like ISNA and MSA, all geared towards hindering any western plan for Muslim assimilation in a non-Muslim host nation. It mentioned “The Muslim Society of North America (ISNA) and the Muslim Students Association (MSA) [which Huma was member] established in the United States in 1962” (p. 65), as key agents to protect Muslims from assimilation.

It named the mosques and centers in major United States cities established to carry out the mission. Five decades of efforts were spent with billions to ensure that Muslim refugees and immigrants will be an “unassimilated group” which then can infuence the non-Muslim host nation and other nations, regardless of how small the numbers of Muslims, by shifting the demographic scale due to their population growth in favor of this Saudi agenda.

It explained how a gradual change would ensue by becoming a major revolutionary powerhouse that will tilt the host nation in favor of Muslims due to their increase as a population. It was a conundrum to transform a nation from within, where a Minority population can act as a ffth column, incubating in the host nation with the intent of gradually implementing the Wahhabist plans.

Translating the manifesto was as if I was watching a science program on how a cell is invaded by a virus, where it gradually does its thing until the host cell fnally succumbs to the disease.

In order to get the head of John the Baptist, Salome, the whore had to infiltrate and dance for King Herod. Since biblical times, such evil principles never changed. To the Muslim Brotherhood’s Muruna, a Muslim woman is allowed to whore herself, infiltrate, marry and sleep with a Jew if she must, so long its the head of John the Baptist.

Our decades of work warning about this and now you are beginning to see Salome at work with her dance.

Read Abedin’s Mein Kampf:Abedins-Mein-Kampf and feast your eyes you sleeping American.

Also read Huma Abedin’s extensive ties to the Muslim Brotherhood.


Abedins-Mein-Kampf copy 2

Read Abedin’s connections to the Muslim Brotherhood:

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