
By BI: No Bibles. No Christmas trees. But these public-school kids are being forced to sing the jihadist-themed anthem, ‘Allahu’s on the way … Spread Islam now’? So, why isn’t the ACLU on their way to this school?


WND  Parents at a California middle school are demanding to know why a teacher had students sing an Islamic “fight song.”

A seventh-grade teacher at Spring View Middle School in Huntington Beach, California, deviated from the district’s official curriculum and had students sing “This Is My Fight Song.” Parent and grandparent Nichole Negron and Susan Negron told KCAL 9 Los Angeles their seventh grader was told to participate in the activity.

“I believe that by singing the song, the children feel comfortable that maybe Allahu is the only god and maybe that they should start following him,” Susan Negron told the network Tuesday. “I’m not OK with that.”


The women only found out about the activity by accident when Negron’s son brought a pamphlet with lyrics home.“How can we as parents combat against what we don’t know is going on?” the mother asked.

The two women went to the Ocean View school board on Tuesday night looking for answers. The teacher allegedly wanted students to learn about Islam through a “catchy” tune. (Begs the question, why should students be forced to learn about death cult posing as a religion in public school?)

The lyrics to “This Is My Fight Song” go as follows:


Ojaala Ahmed of Muslim advocacy group in Anaheim told the CBS affiliate she wanted to know why the teacher shared the song, given that Islamic radical terror attacks in Paris, France, last Friday killed 129 and injured over 350.  “Especially with the recent massacre by ISIS terrorists, knowing that this potentially Islamophobic backlash might come about, what was the teacher’s intention?” Ahmed asked. (That figures, all they care about is the potential for anti-Muslim backlash)


The school district sent an apology to parents and said it would continue looking into the incident, the network reported.

Please contact the school and tell them what you think about the fact that they are seeking indoctrinate their pupils into the death-cult that seeks to destroy the USA and the rest of civilization throughout the world.

Spring View’s phone number: (714) 846 2891

Email: jblade@ovsd.org


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