In the wake of Elon Musk buying an influential stake in Twitter and being appointed to its board, the company has declared that it will continue to censor anyone it pleases and will not reverse previous decisions to ban prominent users including President Trump.
As we covered yesterday, woke Twitter employees took to the platform to share their anger about Musk being their new boss, following the billionaire’s previous comments about wanting to restore free speech.
In response, the company issued a statement proclaiming that “Twitter is committed to impartiality in the development and enforcement of its policies and rules.”
The statement added, “Our policy decisions are not determined by the Board or shareholders, and we have no plans to reverse any policy decisions.”
“As always our Board plays an important advisory and feedback role across the entirety of our service. Our day to day operations and decisions are made by Twitter management and employees,” the company emphasised.
In other words, Twitter says Musk won’t sway their censorship agenda and Trump, along with the likes of Project Veritas and Alex Jones are not coming back.
Some have suggested that Musk was given a spot on the board specifically to prevent him from buying more control of the company.
A filing by Twitter, published on Tuesday by the Securities and Exchange Commission, states that “For so long as Mr. Musk is serving on the Board and for 90 days thereafter, Mr. Musk will not, either alone or as a member of a group, become the beneficial owner of more than 14.9 percent of the Company’s common stock outstanding at such time, including for these purposes economic exposure through derivative securities, swaps, or hedging transactions.”
Appearing on Fox News, Senator Rand Paul argued that Twitter should allow Trump back on the platform if it cares about its financial stability.
Paul noted that “it used to be that the board of a company, or the mission of a company was to make money. And so, my guess is if Donald Trump came back with 80 million followers? My guess is that Twitter would make more money.”
“It’s amazing that we now have this sort of pseudo-social conscious, that we put this into board meetings, and then actually the boards are doing things and making policy that makes them less money,” the Senator added.
Paul further noted that Trump may stay off Twitter because he has now launched his own social network called TRUTH.
Meanwhile, Musk himself responded to a Washington Post article that argued his investment is “bad news for free speech.”
Also always good for a laugh is CNN’s Brain Stelter who proclaimed that people should be ‘fearful’ that “the richest man on the planet just bought a big chunk of one of our most important communications tools.”
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