During remarks at the National Association of Counties in Washington DC Tuesday, Joe Biden bragged about the time he put a dead dog on the doorstep of one of his female constituents.

Speaking about his time serving on the New Castle County Council, Biden recalled being angered by a Republican resident in a wealthy neighborhood who phoned the council and insisted a dead dog be taken off her yard.

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“I know from personal experience how hard the job you have is,” Biden told the assembly, noting he served a middle to working class district with “one very wealthy neighborhood.”

“And I got a call one night, a woman said to me – obviously not of the same persuasion as I was politically – call me and say, “there’s a dead dog on my lawn,” Biden said.  

“And I said, ‘yes ma’am, did you call the county?’ And she said, ‘Yes, they’re not here.’ And I said, ‘Well, I’ll get ’em in the morning,'” Biden told her. 

Biden recalled the woman refused his offer.

“She said, ‘I want it removed now, I pay your salary,'” Biden said.

“So I went over. I picked it up. She said I want it out of my front yard…I put it on her doorstep,” he added, as the audience laughed.

The president’s tale was criticized as “psychotic” on social media.

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source https://www.infowars.com/posts/watch-biden-brags-about-placing-dead-dog-on-republican-womans-doorstep

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