Cody Flint, a pilot, and Lt. Col. Theresa Long, an army physician, gave their testimonies during a three-hour panel discussion hosted by U.S. Senator Ron Johnson on 3 November in Washington D.C. The expert panel included doctors and medical researchers who treat Covid injection injuries and they were joined by patients who have experienced adverse events to Covid injections.
Cody Flint, a previously healthy 33-year-old agricultural pilot, testified he received his first dose of the Pfizer injection on 1 February 2021. Within 30 mins of having the injection he displayed symptoms of an adverse reaction. Two days later he was back in the cockpit flying and almost immediately knew something was wrong: he developed tunnel vision, his headache worsened and at one point he almost “blacked out.” He was later diagnosed with perilymph fistula.
3 November 2021 – Testimony Pilot Cody Flint (3 mins)
In September, Lt. Col. Theresa Long, Brigade Surgeon for the First Aviation Brigade of the U.S. Army, made an unprecedented call to Pentagon leaders asking them to ground all pilots in all services who have had a Covid injection.
Long testified: “I saw five patients in clinics, two of which presented with chest pain days to weeks after vaccination and were subsequently diagnosed with pericarditis … the third pilot was vaccinated and felt like he was drunk, chronically fatigued within 24 hours of vaccination … In one morning, I had to ground three out of three pilots due to vaccine injuries.”
3 November 2021 – Testimony Lt. Col. Theresa Long (15 mins)
Watch the full Expert Panel on Medical Mandates and Vaccine Injuries (3 hours) on The Highwire HERE. Flint’s testimony begins at 27:02 mins and Long’s testimony begins at 30:40 mins.
The policy of airlines has been, for many years, that people with an increased risk of blood clots could only fly under strict supervision. Even the CDC warns: “anyone traveling more than four hours, whether by air, car, bus, or train, can be at risk for blood clots.” And the NHS warns: “DVT (deep vein thrombosis) is when a blood clot forms in a deep vein, usually in the leg, and blocks blood flow. It can happen after sitting still during long journeys by bus, train, or air.”
The first indication that there may be a problem for pilots post-Covid injection was in June 2021 when an audio recording went viral on social media claiming three British Airways pilots died post-injection within one week. A week or so previously, Spain and Russia had recommended those who have had a Covid injection should not fly due to the risk of blood clotting.
During an interview last month Dr. Christiane Northrup explained that the risk of blood clotting increases post-Covid injection. This is because the spike proteins in the Covid injections interact with the ACE receptors lining the blood vessels. The lining of the blood vessels is no longer smooth and this causes clotting. D-Dimer tests show that 60-70% of people who have had a Covid injection have micro blood clots, hence the moniker “clotshot.”
According to a 2014 study published in the Journal of Thrombosis and Haemostasis, pilots suffer an increased risk of clotting issues due to frequent and prolonged air travel.
“If you are a pilot, you’re sitting for long periods of time at high altitude and so any tendency to clot will be vastly increased,” Dr. Northrup said, add to this the “clotshot” and it’s a recipe for disaster.
Further resources:
- American Airlines Cancels 104 Flights at Phoenix Sky Harbor – Whistle-blower Reveals Weather Is NOT The Cause, It’s Crew Shortages, 31 October 2021
- Video: An American Military Man Warns About the Magic Potion, 26 October 2021 (2 mins)
- United Airlines pilot leads COVID revolt, files medical freedom lawsuit with 2,000 fellow workers, 25 October 2021
- Delta Airlines pilot dies mid-flight days after vaccination, 14 Oct 2021
- Video: Pilot Speaks Out Against Vaccine Mandates, Warns of Shifting Base Syndrome, 11 October 2021 (2 mins)
- Army physician and aerospace medicine specialist calls on Pentagon to order all pilots who have received COVID-19 vaccine to be grounded, 29 September 2021

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