An artist who worked for DC Comics has quit saying that he is “tired of them ruining these characters,” including Superman, after the company dropped ‘the American way’ from the hero’s famous motto.

Colorist Gabe Eltaeb revealed on a recent podcast “I’m finishing out my contract with DC. I’m tired of this sh*t, I’m tired of them ruining these characters; they don’t have a right to do this.”

“What really pissed me off was saying truth, justice, and a better world. F*ck that; it was ‘truth, justice, and the American way,'” Eltaeb further stated.

“My Grandpa almost died in World War II; we don’t have a right to destroy sh*t that people died for to give us. It’s a bunch of f*cking nonsense,” Eltaeb urged.

The artist, who worked on the much maligned “Son of Kal-El” Superman books in which Clark Kent’s son comes out as a bi-sexual social justice warrior, also spoke about the abuse he has been subjected to for his opinion on the comic book characters being ruined.

“They call us bigots and racist and sh*t,” Eltaeb noted, adding “I would ask them, find me in the f*cking mainstream, not on the fringes, one f*cking book, one f*cking t-shirt, one movie that says that leftism is bad, and conservatism is good, find it for me, they f*cking won’t. They’re not letting people have a voice, they’re the f*cking bigots.”

The podcast host Ethan Van Sciver added “You cannot come out and be a conservative and criticize the company that you work for in this way. You have to be completely supportive of the corporate agenda, whatever it is.”

“You have to keep your negative or critical opinions to yourself, and it’s so liberating to be able to not work for DC comics and be able to say exactly what you think,” Sciver emphasised, adding “And I think that’s what Gabe is going through here.”

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source https://summit.news/2021/11/05/social-engineering-in-tv-commercials/

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