The latest Public Health data shows that Covid-19 vaccinated people have accounted for 85% of Covid-19 deaths in the past four weeks, whilst UK Health Security Agency data shows that the Covid-19 vaccines have a negative effectiveness as low as minus-one-hundred-thirty-two-percent, and Office for National Statistics data shows that since children were first given the Covid-19 vaccine deaths among young boys have increased by 83% against the five year-average.
The UK is on the road to disaster, with a vaccine programme that has clearly failed, but more worryingly may now be killing children judging by the statistics, and may will kill more.
The data could not be more clear. Just take a look at Public Health Scotland’s latest Covid-19 Statistical report published October 27th. Table 25 of the report shows that the vast majority of Covid-19 deaths between September 18th and October 15th 2021 were among the fully vaccinated population with 457 deaths recorded, accounting for 82% of all Covid-19 deaths.
Throw in the 17 deaths to have occurred among the partly vaccinated and that means the vaccinated population accounted for 85% of Covid-19 deaths in Scotland between September 18th and October 15th.

UK Health Security Agency (the sinister replacement for Public Health England) data doesn’t look much better either. Table 4 of the report published by UKHSA shows that there were 487 deaths among the unvaccinated, 88 deaths among the partly vaccinated, but a frightening 2,185 deaths among the fully vaccinated between September 27th and October 24th 2021.

This means that the unvaccinated account for just 18% of Covid-19 deaths during September 2021, whilst the vaccinated account for a disastrous 82%.
And don’t even attempt to argue that this is normal because the majority of the adult population have allegedly been vaccinated. If this were normal then how do you explain the fact that Covid-19 hospitalisations and deaths are rising among the fully vaccinated population by the week whilst hospitalisations and deaths among the not-vaccinated population continue to decline.
Perhaps it has something to do with the fact that UK Health Security Agency data proves that the effectiveness of the Covid-19 vaccines is declining drastically by the week, with the latest data showing that they have a collective negative effectiveness as low as -132% in everyone over the age of 30.

The effictiveness of all available vaccines combined is as low as minus-132% within the 40-49 age group, and as high as +21% in the 18-29 age group, the only age group other than under 18’s that the vaccines are currently showing to have a positive effectiveness.
This proves that the Covid-19 vaccines are making people more susceptible to catching Covid-19, rather than preventing cases of Covid-19 by the claimed 95%, and the fact the effectiveness of the vaccines has now surpassed the minus-100% barrier in everyone between the age of 40 and 79, suggests that it has completely decimated their immune systems, at least when it comes to infection from the alleged SARS-CoV-2 virus.
By combining the numbers provided for all age groups over the age of 18, we have been able to calculate an average vaccine effectiveness of minus-70%, and we’re definitely seeing this in the number of confirmed cases by vaccination status.

Between week 39 and week 42 of 2021 there were 70,006 confirmed Covid-19 cases in the unvaccinated over 18’s, 24,038 confirmed cases in the partly vaccinated over 18’s, and a frightening 390,274 confirmed cases in the fully vaccinated over 18’s.
The new UK Health Security Agency report proves without a shadow of a doubt that the Covid-19 vaccines do not work, and actually make the recipients worse… by the week.
But as if having a Covid-19 vaccination programme which is proving to not only not work, but also make the recipients of the jabs much worse, wasn’t bad enough, the Chief Medical Officer for England, Professor Chris Whitty decided that he wouldn’t accept the decision made by the Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation, and overruled them because he clearly wants to see children die.
Just like he helped to kill the elderly and vulnerable with a blanket policy of Do Not Resuscitate orders being used as an excuse to start end of life care which involved starving and dehydrating the patients whilst overdosing them on a drug called Midazolam, that is known to cause the same symptoms as serious disease due to Covid-19.
Unfortunately the latest data shows that Chris Whitty has got his wish by making a decision to offer children an experimental leaky Covid-19 injection. Official Office for National Statistics data does show us that deaths among children have risen significantly against the five-year-average since they started to be vaccinated against Covid-19.
The Five-Year-Average (2015-2019) edition of ‘Deaths registered weekly in England and Wales’, which can be downloaded here, and accessed on the ONS website here, shows that shows that between week 38 and week 41 a total of 21 deaths occurred among 10 – 14-year-olds.

Whereas the 2021 editions of ‘Deaths registered weekly in England and Wales, which can be downloaded here, and accessed on the ONS website here, shows that between the week 38 and week 41 of 2021, a total of 34 deaths occurred among children aged between 10 and 14.

This shows that the number of deaths between week 38 and week 41 of 2021 among children aged 10-14 were 62% higher than the five-year-average for the number of deaths in this age group during the same period, and the increase in deaths began at precisely the same time children started receiving the Covid-19 vaccine.
We know this because according to ONS data in the 6 weeks prior to week 38 the five-year-average for deaths among all children between the ages of 10 and 14 was 28. Whereas in the 6 weeks prior to week 38 of 2021 there were 29 deaths among children over the age of 10, representing an increase of just 3.5% in 2021 on the five-year-average.
But what this also shows is that since the Covid-19 vaccines began being given to children, deaths among young boys have increased by 83% against the five-year-average, whereas deaths among teenage girls have still increased increased significantly, but at a lower rate of 33%.
We compiled the following table of ONS figures so that we were able to easily compare the number of deaths per week among children separated by male and female.

We carried out a full investigation of the above data on Child deaths which can be viewed here, which clearly shows correlation with emergency calls requesting an ambulance due to cardiac arrest rising to an all time high against the expected level.
As you can see above the highest increase in deaths since kids were offered the Covid-19 vaccine came in week 40 of 2021, which saw a 120% increase on the five-year-average number of deaths among children, this represented a 133% increase in male child deaths, and a 100% increase in female child deaths.
The largest increase in deaths of male children so far was in week 41 of 2021, which saw a 200% increase on the five-year-average number of deaths among male children, but 0% increase in female child deaths.
There is however some cause for concern for the number of deaths that occurred in week 34 of 2021, prior to Chris Whitty approving the Covid-19 vaccine roll-out to all children over the age of 12.
Week 34 saw a 175% increase in deaths of all children, a 100% increase in deaths of male children, and a 400% increase in deaths of female children against the five-year-average. Could this have anything to do with a large chunk of children deemed vulnerable being given the Covid-19 vaccine the previous week, as recommended by the JCVI, or is it just another coincidence?
The fact that myocarditis is a confirmed side effect of the Covid-19 vaccines; especially among younger males, and a significant increase in the number of male children dying since they were offered the Covid-19 vaccine is however, one coincidence too far.
It shouldn’t be us, and us alone who are seeing this. The British taxpayer funds several public institutions including the ONS, UKHSA (formerly PHE) , and MHRA (UK Medicine Regulator) which are supposed to be actively monitoring all of this data and looking for warning signs.
Which leaves us with three possible conclusions –
- They’re not intelligent enough to see what’s happening
- They’re not looking
- They don’t care, and are quite happy to see teenagers and children suffer
85% of Covid-19 deaths are among the vaccinated, the Covid-19 vaccines have a negative effectiveness in everyone over the age of 30 as low as -132%, and deaths among male children have risen by 83% against the five-year-average since they started to get the Covid-19 vaccine, yet the United Kingdom is just carrying on as normal as if none of this is actually happening.
The United Kingdom has fallen.
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