Yet another example of leaders flagrantly violating their own lockdown rules has emerged again after it was alleged that Carrie and Boris Johnson spent Christmas with political campaigner Nimco Ali.
Ali reportedly spent the festive period with the couple in direct violation of the rules that Johnson’s government imposed on the rest of the country.
Ensuring families were separated at Christmas, the south-east of England was placed under the most extreme lockdown measures, meaning people could only legally see one other person outdoors, with mixing indoors banned.
Elsewhere, people were only allowed to see family members on Christmas Day.
However, Boris and his wife apparently violated these rules by allowing Ali to visit and stay at 10 Downing Street.
According to an article written by executive editor of the Spectator Lara Prendergast, Ali “spent Christmas with the couple at No10 despite pandemic restrictions on holiday gatherings.”
When they break their own rules they are giving us a clear message – they don’t believe in the rules and they’re not scared of the virus they want us to be scared of.
Oh – and they’re mocking us. https://t.co/1TVvPLhLEa— Dr Zoe Harcombe, PhD (@zoeharcombe) October 18, 2021
Both Johnson and Carrie denied they had broken COVID lockdown rules, but refuse to address whether or not Ali had visited their residence. Ali herself also denied the allegations.
If proven true, this adds to the multitudes of examples of people who were instrumental in placing Brits under draconian lockdown rules yet totally ignored them when it came to their own behavior.
Earlier this year, leaked photos revealed Health Secretary Matt Hancock passionately kissing his mistress at a time when Brits were being told they shouldn’t even shake hands.
“Health Secretary Matt Hancock has been having a secret affair with his closest aide,” reports the Sun. “He cheated on his wife with Gina Coladangelo, 43, who he hired last year with taxpayers’ money, as Covid gripped Britain.”
Professor Neil Ferguson, whose contentious models and alarmist predictions formed the justification for the first lockdown also repeatedly violated it.
Ferguson continually flouted the rules in order to have sex with 38-year-old married mother of two Antonia Staats, who traveled across London to visit Ferguson on several occasions.
Keep complying, idiots.
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source https://www.infowars.com/posts/report-while-boris-ruined-christmas-for-everyone-else-he-broke-lockdown-rules
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