The latest official Public Health data shows that the fully vaccinated accounted for 83% of Covid-19 deaths in the past four weeks, whilst also accounting for 72% of Covid-19 hospitalisations and 56% of alleged Covid-19 cases from September 18th through to October 15th.
The Covid-19 Statistical Report is a weekly report on Covid-19 data published by Public Health Scotland, and the latest update published October 20th confirms that things are getting worse for the fully vaccinated population by the week whilst things improve for the not-vaccinated population.
Table 18 of the report confirms that the majority of Covid-19 cases were among the fully vaccinated population in the week beginning September 18th 2021, accounting for 37,992 cases. Whilst the not-vaccinated population did not lag far behind recording 32,217 cases.

The totals number of cases by vaccination status as confirmed by the above table between September 18th and October 15th 2021 were as follows –
- Not-vaccinated population = 32,217 cases
- Partly vaccinated population = 3,971 cases
- Fully-vaccinated population = 37,992 cases
This means the vaccinated population accounted for 56% of Covid-19 cases between September 18th and October 15th, whilst the not-vaccinated population accounted for 44%.
However, the difference between the vaccinated and unvaccinated gets much worse when it comes to hospitalisations, with the fully vaccinated now accounting for the majority of Covid-19 hospitalisations since at least July 2021.

The above table shows that the not-vaccinated over-60’s accounted for just 11% of Covid-19 hospitalisations between September 11th and October 15th, whilst the vaccinated over 60’s accounted for 89%.
A similar trend can also be seen in the 30 to 59 year-old age group with the not-vaccinated accounting for just 38% of Covid-19 hospitalisations, whilst the vaccinated accounted for 62%.
The totals number of hospitalisations by vaccination status for all age groups between September 18th and October 15th 2021 as confirmed by table 19 of the PHS report were as follows –
- Not-vaccinated population = 684
- Partly vaccinated population = 81
- Fully vaccinated population = 1672
This means the vaccinated population accounted for 72% of Covid-19 hospitalisations between September 18th and October 15th 2021, whilst the not-vaccinated accounted for just 28%.
But yet again the difference between the vaccinated and unvaccinated gets much worse when it comes to deaths allegedly related to Covid-19.

The totals number of alleged Covid-19 by vaccination status between September 11th and October 8th 2021 as confirmed by table 20 of the PHS report were as follows –
- Not-vaccinated population = 96 deaths
- Partly vaccinated population = 16 deaths
- Fully vaccinated population = 436 deaths
This means the vaccinated population accounted for 83% of Covid-19 deaths between September 11th and October 8th, whilst the not-vaccinated accounted for just 17%.
Some people may argue that this is expected if the majority of the population has been vaccinated. Which would be true if official data didn’t show that the number of Covid-19 deaths in September / October 2021 are over 2000% higher than the number recorded during the same period in 2020.

The reason deaths were so low in September 2020 is because seasonality was on our side, as it has always been with all respiratory viruses.
The fact that seasonality hasn’t worked in 2021 when we also supposedly had Covid-19 vaccines on our side suggests that the vaccinated population have one very rough winter ahead of them.
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