Chinese scientists have successfully forced male rats to give birth, in a nightmarish experiment that would have been regarded as appalling just a few years back.

In a new study from the Naval Medical University in Shanghai, researchers explained in horrific detail how they castrated a male rat, conjoined him with a female rat, then transplanted a uterus into him which they later delivered a baby rat from via caesarean section.

“Here we investigated the question of whether male pregnancy with livebirths can be achieved in a rat model if the speculative problems were solved by existing methods,” the study’s introduction states.

“The success rate of modeling was only 3.68%, but 10 pups could still be delivered from male [conjoined rat] and developed,” the researchers excitedly reported in a study published at bioRxiv.org.

“For the first time, a mammalian animal model of male pregnancy was constructed by us,” the scientists wrote.

“Our research reveals the possibility of normal embryonic development in male mammalian animals, and it may have a profound impact on the research of reproductive biology.”

The jaw-dropping experiment, ostensibly carried out in the name of science, reportedly advances work done in a previous study at the NYU School of Medicine, where researchers explored the possibility of uterus transplantation in “women who are genetically XY;” in other words, men.

In that study, published in the Journal of Medical Ethics, researchers claimed it was important for transgenders to have “equitable access to uterine transplants.”

From a justice perspective, there is a moral imperative to ensure equitable access to UTx [uterine transplant]. In this case, arguments against providing UTx to genetically XY [transgender] women for reasons unrelated to safety and efficacy should be assessed carefully to address potential discrimination against genetically XY women as a social group.

It remains to be seen what “profound impact” comes of the pregnant male rat study, but if current transgender reassignment surgical procedures are any indication, “gender confused” members of society are in for a bad time.

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The Pre Conditioning Of NWO Horror

source https://www.infowars.com/posts/shock-study-scientists-implant-uterus-in-male-rat-make-it-give-birth

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