Here’s some of the things the authorities demand you avoid when pregnant – smoked fish, soft cheese, wet paint, coffee, herbal tea, vitamin supplements, processed junk foods… the list is endless. But the UK authorities have announced that it is now perfectly acceptable for every single pregnant woman in the United Kingdom to have one of the experimental Covid-19 “vaccines”. This is an absolute outrage.
This is the first line from a statement issued by the Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation (JCVI) on the UK Government website –
“There have been no specific safety concerns identified with any brand of coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccines in relation to pregnancy.”
They’re lying.
The UK Government have released a weekly report since the beginning of February on adverse reactions to the Covid “vaccines” which have been reported to the MHRA Yellow Card scheme. Many of you will not even know the Yellow Card scheme exists – here is the link to report any adverse reactions suffered if you have been coerced into taking the experimental gene therapy –
Within one of the very first reports we were given a shock when we discovered there had been reports made to the MHRA of women losing their baby after being given one of the Covid-19 vaccines. Why were we so shocked? Because this was the UK Governments advice at the time –
There are no or limited amount of data from the use of COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine BNT162b2.
Animal reproductive toxicity studies have not been completed. COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine
BNT162b2 is not recommended during pregnancy.
For women of childbearing age, pregnancy should be excluded before vaccination. In addition, women
of childbearing age should be advised to avoid pregnancy for at least 2 months after their second dose.
It is unknown whether COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine BNT162b2 is excreted in human milk. A risk to
the newborns/infants cannot be excluded. COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine BNT162b2 should not be used
during breast-feeding.
It is unknown whether COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine BNT162b2 has an impact on fertility.’
But this is what we discovered within the report on adverse reactions to the Covid-19 “vaccines”, which included reports made to the MHRA from the 9th December up to the 7th February for the experimental Pfizer mRNA “vaccine”, and from the 4th January to the 7th February for the AstraZeneca viral vector “vaccine” –

Eight reports of miscarriage in the first few weeks of the “vaccine” roll-out when the Governments advice was that pregnant women should not be given any of the Covid “vaccines”. This is an astronomically high number considering that advice.
Here’s the next part of the JVCI’s statement –
“The Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation (JCVI) advises that it’s preferable for pregnant women in the UK to be offered the Pfizer-BioNTech or Moderna vaccines where available. There is no evidence to suggest that other vaccines are unsafe for pregnant women, but more research is needed.”
It’s preferable to have the “vaccine”, there is no evidence it’s unsafe, but more research is needed? How can they advise that it is preferable, claim it is safe and then say that more research is needed in the same sentence? This is outrageous. There is nothing preferable about it considering the fact that the alleged Covid-19 disease statistically kills only 0.2% of those who develop serious disease, and the vast majority of those deaths occur in those over the age of 85 who also have serious underlying conditions. Even those aged between 60 and 85 are vastly outnumbered by those aged over 85 in terms of developing serious disease and sadly dying. But when it comes to those under the age of 60 the statistics show us that the number of people developing serious disease and dying is negligible. Yet the JVCI say it’s preferable for pregnant women to be offered a Covid “vaccine”? This is criminal.
Here’s what Dr Edward Morris, President of the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists said in response to the JVCI’s announcement –
“We believe it should be a woman’s choice whether to have the vaccine or not after considering the benefits and risks and would encourage pregnant women to discuss with a trusted source like their GP, obstetrician or midwife, or a healthcare professional in a vaccination centre.”
A trusted source like their GP? Would this be the same GP’s who when asked what vaccine they were offering to their patients responded by claiming “they are all the same”? As one doctor recently described when he asked his own GP. Will these trusted sources inform these women that the Covid “vaccines” are experimental, still in phase three trials until 2023, and are only temporarily authorised for emergency use meaning the manufacturers are not liable for any injury or adverse effect that may occur due to the “vaccine”? We doubt it. Which is why you should educate yourself on the facts around these so called vaccines by reading our fact check of ‘Full Fact’s’ claim these Covid “vaccines” are not experimental, you can find it here.
This is nothing short of scandalous what the JVCI and UK Government have just authorised to happen in the United Kingdom. You only need to look at the most recent report on adverse reactions to the Covid “vaccines” reported to the MHRA Yellow Card scheme to see why.
As of the 5th April 2021 a total of 19 women have reported losing their unborn child due to having the AstraZeneca viral vector vaccine.

However the Pfizer jab, which is an mRNA gene therapy, the one the JVCI are mainly endorsing has fared significantly worse even though 6 million less doses have been administered in the United Kingdom compared to the AstraZeneca jab. As of the 5th April 2021 a total of 43 women have reported losing their unborn child after receiving the Pfizer “vaccine”. But the tragedy doesn’t end there. There has also been a single report of foetal death and a single report of a still birth due to the Pfizer mRNA experimental “vaccine”.

Yet the JVCI say – “There have been no specific safety concerns identified with any brand of coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccines in relation to pregnancy.” These people should be dragged to the courts and tried from crimes against humanity.
We said it at the start and we’ll say it again – here’s some of the things the authorities demand you avoid when pregnant – smoked fish, soft cheese, wet paint, coffee, herbal tea, vitamin supplements, processed junk foods… the list is endless. But the UK authorities have announced that it is now perfectly acceptable for every single pregnant woman in the United Kingdom to have one of the experimental Covid-19 “vaccines”. This is an absolute outrage.
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