You may remember the pizzagate theory from 2016 that claimed Hillary Clinton and others from Hollywood and the ruling elite were running a child trafficking ring? One story centred around a Washington pizza restaurant called Comet Ping Pong, whose owner received hundreds of threatening messages.
The theory still lives on but it has evolved. Through this evolution, the harvesting of ‘adrenochrome’ from children in the trafficking ring has been introduced. Adrenochrome, according to the theories, is a Hollywood drug, sometimes taken as part of a Satanic ritual. With some theories claiming that blood is drained from children who are kept at ‘farms’ and tortured. Adrenochrome is then extracted from the blood in a lab and sold to celebrities, or the blood itself is consumed, according to the “theories”.
We aren’t here to support or dismiss the adrenochrome theory today, but what we can tell you is that there is a company in the USA which harvests bloods from kids and gives it to the older generation in order to “reinvigorate” them at $8000 per session.
Ambrosia, in California, is run by is run by a 32-year-old doctor called Jesse Karmazin, who bills $8,000 (£6,200) a go for participation in what he has dubbed a “study”. So far, he has 600 clients, with a median age of 60. The blood is collected from local blood banks, then separated and combined – it takes multiple donors to make one package.
In a pitch about Ambrosia at a 2017 conference on self-enhancement, Karmazin said, “We’re a company interested in making you young again.”

Ambrosia’s website claims that its transfusions have been found to “produce statistically significant improvements” in biomarkers related to Alzheimer’s disease, cancer, and inflammation, and that customers have reported “subjective improvements” in memory, sleep, and other areas.
However controversy over the company reached a head in February 2019, when then FDA commissioner Scott Gottlieb issued a strongly worded statement warning consumers against such transfusions, saying there is “no proven clinical benefit” of infusing plasma from young donors to mitigate, treat, or prevent aging, memory loss, or a host of serious medical conditions like Alzheimer’s.
Karmazin says he stopped transfusing patients almost immediately after the FDA’s statement and put his business on hold “under an abundance of caution”. But the cease of operations didn’t last long with Karmazin resuming the transfusions just months later.
Karmazin declined to say how many total customers Ambrosia has, but said people of all ages, from their thirties to nineties, some of whom are healthy, have received transfusions. But he did say that he has no plans to do further studies on the safety and efficacy of the Ambrosia treatment. “This treatment is available now. Trials are very expensive, and they take a really long time,” he says. “I’m comfortable with going ahead and offering this treatment commercially to patients”.
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