By Walid Shoebat (Shoebat Sunday Special)
The crescent curse is upon us but God has already announced the victory in one fascinating image. Our research provided here is not only the first of its kind in history, but it also reveals hidden codes, not just in regards to the Aztecs of Mexico but hidden messages that Muslims will comprehend, and that will further reveal Mary's role in the destruction of Islam. These messages that were never discovered until now in this fascinating presentation.
The time is now. Muslims are lifting up more images of the crescent moon, more than any other time in recent history, attempting to swallow the Cross. God responds with Genesis 3:15, Revelation 11-12 to also etch these prophecies in one fascinating Christian image: Our Lady of Guadalupe. Such images ended much bloodshed. It is a myth to think that such images were exclusively made to end the bloodshed by the Aztecs of Mexico. For in Europe, these ended centuries of Muslim invasions in Spain sending the Muslims back to north Africa. No matter how bad things get, ultimately, the Cross will always prevail against the crescent.
So how will Muslims today view such images? Enter a fascinating discovery.
Never before has any research been done to explain how Muslims would view such images. Whether one believes in sacred images or they trust only in the biblical account, the message is the same. Our Lady's image for example, does not defy Scripture in any way shape or form. The name Guadalupe is purely Arabic and the image will speak volumes to relate to Muslims in the coming wars just as it was for the Aztecs.
Firstly, what is the image's goal? It is to reverse misconceptions, not just about God, but about Jesus, St. Mary and the false theology of Islam which we shall detail in light of the image.
God in the image tells His enemies that He functions in reverse of His enemies' thoughts. In Isaiah God said:
For as the heavens are exalted above the earth, so are my ways exalted above your ways, and my thoughts above your thoughts. (Isaiah 55:9)
The unredeemed upon the earth will always attempt to exalt their standards, yet God will always exalt His, bringing low the gods of the unredeemed. Thats it. This is the crux of the whole issue of the Lady's image which will speak volumes to Muslims in ways never known before in history until now.
This concept is proven in Genesis 3:15 where God proclaims that His victory is accomplished by His defeat: "you [the devil] shall bruise his heel". This was defeat. Indeed, Christ's death was defeat from the world's view, but was victory from God's view and also the view of the redeemed of the Lord.
Victory therefore is not defined by God's enemies. These deceive themselves since the ultimate victory is accomplished through her [St. Mary's] seed, "he [Messiah] shall bruise your head".
Therefore, the whole concept of the image, is that Lucifer's head is brought low. The "head" and the "heel" are the crux of these depictions we find from archeology. Pagan images lift Lucifer's symbols like the crescent. God's images ultimately bring them low as in the Lady's image. Islam lifted the crescent to the highest pinnacle where in John's Apocalypse 12 it is brought low beneath the woman's feet.
And there is more. The theme of this image is not to be fulfilled exclusively once in the Apocalypse as commonly interpreted by some, but to be fulfilled continually (Europe, Mexico, and later the Middle East) as to show God's continual victory over the devil by lifting up God's banners in reverse to His enemies wishes.
In addition, just the simple 'reversal' of these symbols shows Muslims that Christianity did not evolve from Mithraism as many Muslims accuse. The Lady's image denounces such corruptions by simply setting the record in proper order where what is on top must be brought low. There is heaven (highest) and then there is the pit of hell (lowest).
But besides the archeological realm, the image brings to repentance Christians enamored by Islam. So many well intended Christians searching for a morsel of peace within Islam, instead of looking at the crucial differences, peddle the similarities with Christianity saying that 'the Quran honors Mary', 'announces Jesus as Messiah', so on and so forth. Yet here comes the Lady's image proclaiming a fundamental principle that 'difference is what makes all the difference'. The Lady's image by revealing these differences debunks the Quran and blows Islam's ship clearly out of the water (more on that later).
Not only does the image debunk Islam, but it reveals its origin and exposes paganism's theft from the true message. The image of Diana for example, where we see the crescent on the top (the head), our Lady reverses this where the crescent is under Her feet in her image.
False accusers completely keep key issues out. The notion that Mariology evolved from Ishtar worship was not represented mainly by a statue with a crescent moon on Artemis's head, but by a black stone which was worshiped in Ephesus identified as Artemis (Acts 19:35). This resembles Islam's black stone and not Mariology. Our Lady's image brings these low. This is a huge difference that is completely ignored.
Many twist this saying that the crescent in Our Lady of Guadalupe is lifting up St. Mary. But Scripture as well makes it clear, "the moon under her feet". This reverses what was stolen. As Christ said: the thief comes to steal, and to kill, and to destroy (John 10:10). He steals what is true and makes forgeries in order to cause death where "all who hate me love death" (Proverbs 8:36). This is proven from every non-Christian cult that was and is still out there today. By defeating these, God brings life, ending bloodshed and ultimately brings in long lasting peace.
Therefore, what we find in pagan archeology are simply manmade forgeries from true originals prior to St. Mary's image which rebuts the agenda of the unredeemed who claim that Christianity evolved from paganism. Such claims therefore are simply done by building on similarities while ignoring the differences. This trick is what generates volumes of worthless reading material claiming that Christianity borrowed from the “Norse Trinity” that the Vikings themselves were Trinitarians or that Jesus is a copy of Horus, Mithras, Krishna, Dionysis and other pagan gods or that Mary is Mother worship of Ishtar as “Queen of Heaven” warned about in Jeremiah 7:18 ...
And while much worthless material is written, it takes double good work to refute them. Yet understanding this key locks the door preventing the thief an entry.
The name Guadalupe and its significance links to the struggle with Islam much more than the struggle in Mexico when the image came in 1531. There was another icon that played a similar role: Guadalupe de Extremadura. It was a much older image connected to the Spanish Reconquista and the ultimate victory over the centuries-long Islamic invasion of Spain. It is said to have been carved by St. Luke the Evangelist and given to Saint Leander to be brought to Spain’s Extremadura province where it remained until the Muslim Tariq Ibn Ziyad and his armies crossed the Gibraltar towards Spain.
When I was Muslim, our history books taught that this invasion was the pinnacle of Islamic expansion into Europe for the ultimate victory of Islam's iconoclasm over the Cross in 711 AD.
Being the typical iconoclast, Tariq Ibn Ziyad, after conquering Spain transformed churches into mosques including the Church where this ancient icon of Mary was located. It was said to be hidden at the Guadiana River, also known as the Wolf River, or in Latin, lupe, where Muslims controlled the area and kept the name given by the Spanish, but referred to the local river using the Arabic term wadi (valley, oasis) and hence the name stuck and the river and the surrounding area came to be known as wadi lupe or the way the Spaniards said it: Guadalupe.
This western version, while correct, misses how a Muslim would see the name. The West is unaware that we have a wadi lupe in the Sinai, another in Saudi Arabia and yet another in Yemen (more on that later).
But as I lived in Mexico, while Protestant at the time, iconoclasm still appealed to some residues left in me from my Muslim traditions. But despite this, the name Guadalupe always rang a bell in Arabic. It is Wadd-a-Lubba which means God of love is in Her core (heart). (more on that later).
Had I remained Muslim, the image completely reverses the very five foundations we believed in. It reversed the myths and upheld God's original message; a woman is involved and she is not to be ignored especially that she is stomping the crescent and her name is Waddalubba which means God of love is in Her core (heart).
This name construct was no accident.
To confirm that names meant much to a Muslim, there was also another Our Lady of the Almudena and like Our Lady of Guadalupe of Mexico it too had the crescent moon under her feet and her name had a message that reversed Islam's foundation flipping it upside down.
Almudena is commonly known in Spain to mean 'the citadel'. But Almudena is purely Arabic (مئذنة) and has zero meaning in Spanish. But what the West misses is that in Arabic Almudena means a different type of 'citadel' than commonly known by westerners. It strictly means the minaret.
This type of citadel adds a crescent moon on top. So why destine the name of our Lady to be called Almudena? Was St. Mary Muslim and is now lifting up the crescent?
Hardly. The very image of Almudena brings the crescent low, below Her feet. To a Muslim, this naming Almudena calls St. Mary as the true citadel and here she points to Allah as lucifer and his symbol under her feet. Al-Mudena is a construct of two words: "Al" (the) and "Mudena (minaret). She is not just any minaret, but the minaret. And since a Mudena's purpose is to proclaim loudly and audibly, five times a day to gather everyone for prayer, here The Citadel, the true Almudena's image persists to proclaim loudly her participation to obey and fulfill God's wish:
For the day of the LORD of hosts
Shall come upon everything proud and lofty,
Upon everything lifted up—
And it shall be brought low— (Isaiah 2:12)
Mary herself declared this in her Canticle, quoted in Luke's Gospel:
He has shown strength with his arm; he has scattered the proud in the thoughts of their hearts;
he has brought down the mighty from their thrones and exalted those of humble estate (Luke 1:51-52)
Her message reverses the whole purpose of Islam bringing low the corruption of the truth, reaffirming John's Apocalypse 12. This prophecy is not to be fulfilled once as commonly interpreted by some, but to be fulfilled continually (until the day of the Lord) as to show God's victory over the devil who thought he won Europe by enforcing Islam in Spain.
In 712, prior to the capture of Madrid by the advancing Muslim forces, the inhabitants of the town secreted the image of the virgin, the patroness of Madrid, for its own protection, inside the walls surrounding the town. In the 11th century, when Madrid was reconquered by the King Alfonso VI of Castile, the Christian soldiers endeavored to find the statue. After days of prayer, the spot on the wall hiding the icon crumbled, revealing the statue. Another version of the story says that as Christian soldiers approached the town, they had a vision of Mary imploring them to allow her to lead them into the city. Again the miraculous crumbling of the wall occurred, with the icon showing an entry route through the walls.
The Lady simply reverses Muslim logic. Again, in Genesis 3:15, it is through defeat, "you [the devil] shall bruise his heel" yet the ultimate victory is accomplished by her seed, "he [Messiah] shall bruise your head". The "head" and the "heel" are the crux of the whole matter. Through the Church's defeat in Spain, God was eventually victorious as Almudena stomping Allah the crescent, revealing the true citadel.
This is exactly what happened when the third icon involving the war with Islam was found: The Guadalupe de Extremadura. Therefore, the Lady's image and its connection to battles and victories against the devil was not exclusive to Mexico's 1531 massive conversion of Aztecs. Nearly two centuries prior to this, the Guadalupe de Extremadura after being lost was miraculously found centuries later in 1326 where a shrine was built in its name. It was the discovery of the image that rejuvenated the Christians under Portuguese King Alfonso IV and Castilian King Alfonso XI and in 1340 dedicated a pilgrimage to the new Shrine of Our Lady of Guadalupe, entrusting the battle to St. Mary in accordance to Revelation 12. They and the Catholic armies met the forces of Islam at the Salado River in Seville reversing the course and driving the Muslims back to Morocco and bringing down the crescent where it belongs, below the feet.
It is here were we enter a fascinating discovery. As the great Fulton Sheen said, "Our Blessed Lady will carry the Moslems the rest of the way to her Divine Son." What is generally known by westerners about the name Guadalupe somewhat relates to Arabic where Guada stemmed from Wadi (Arabic), for "river" "oasis" "valley" and Lupe is Latin for "wolf".
But a Muslim would read it differently. Prince Shakib Arslan was known as "Prince of Eloquence" (amir al-balagha) that is the eloquence of the Arabic language. He was an influential Muslim writer, poet and historian who travelled in the footsteps of the Muslims who invaded Spain. In his book "What Arabs Said About The Geography of Andalusia (Spain)," he calls "Guadalupe" as "Wadi Al-Lubb" "وادي اللب".
To a Muslim, this makes a major difference. This is the same way any Arabic speaking scholar defines Guadalupe. Why they do this is simple. If a scholar in the Arabic carefully examined how Guada is pronounced in Spanish and how Lupe is pronounced in Arabic it gives an entirely new meaning. Firstly, the "G" is silent (Wadda) and the "p" is always pronounced as "b" (Lubba) since there is no "p" in Arabic. So if you ask any Arab, "say Waddalupe," he will say "Waddalubba" or "Wadi Al-Lubb". Try it.
If we stick with the pronunciation Wadd it also means "love" and Lubb means "heart". This packs much for Arab linguists since Arabic is an ancient rich language and these words put together packs a whole theological meaning that opposes Islam completely.
Besides the emphases in Arabic that Wadd means "love" it also means "desired" while "Lubb" is "gem" "heart" or to be more specific "core".
For example, the 'lubb' of the atom is its nucleus. The 'lubb" of the earth is its core. The 'lubb' of the fruit is its core seeds. The "lubb" is literally "heart" and Lubba is "Her heart" or "Her core".
Lubba also means "her neck," but not just any part of a woman's neck, Arabic is very meticulous. In Arabic it is precisely where a woman places the necklace on her neck. So if a Muslim would specifically look at the lubba in the image, he will find a brooch with a black cross which recalls the agony of the death of Jesus Christ on the Cross for the salvation of all mankind. Black here is significant of death and is the attire of sorrow which women dress for forty days. Lubb in Arabic is also wasitat al-qilada (see #4), which signifies "the jewel," "the purest and best from all," and a symbol of sanctity. Wasitat also means the intermediary as the cross here is the bridge between man and God.
This "heart" symbolism is clear from the Arabic. But this is not only in the Arabic naming. The experts on Guadalupe would agree that besides what we discovered here that in the image the: "Sacred Heart as we depict it with flames above it. Only in Guadalupe and Fatima apparitions have this sign on the hand appeared which shows they are related."
On a side note, Fatima (Muhammad's daughter) is another subject matter for another research, for it says that St. Mary is the true Fatima and not Muhammad's daughter whom the Shiite adore as Christians would adore St. Mary.
So what happens when we combine the two words wadda and lubba?
There is more to the Arabic than we explained here. While the root wadd and lubb are significant, wadda and lubba are even more significant since the 'a' in the end pertains to a woman (her). Wadda-Lubba in Arabic becomes a packed message. It could mean "love is the desire of her heart".
Yet if we use wadd in its most common usage it literally pertains to a male deity which means "the god of love". But what we have here is wadda which strictly means her god of love. Wadd is also regarding someone most precious to a woman, a husband or an only son or firstborn. Adding lubba, the construct becomes rich: Her God of love is in Her core (heart) and is her only son.
The use of lubb (core) is no accident. It is no wonder why in Italian the word core is literally heart and in Spanish corazon is also heart: the core.
In other words, the message becomes clear that the desired one, this God of love Who is desired, Who is most precious to her, her jewel, this male Son Deity, is in her inner core or what she contains in her inner being Who constitutes love who is also God Himself. Therefore She is pregnant with God.
In essence Wadda-Lubba (Guadalupe) has a response to Islam. This "Wadd" (love) is Christ Who was in the Womb of Mary and is why Christians say "blessed is the fruit of your womb (lubb), Jesus." In her womb (lubb) always resides the seed and it is this "fruit of Her womb" that is this blessed one.
Adding the image to the name, the construct is remarkably parallel with Christian theology. She is Queen and is the loving Mother and Christ is her Heart and is Her love and He (Jesus) is the very essence of love and He is Her desire as The Father's only Son, conceived as man in the womb of the Virgin Mary.
There are no better Semitic words to use than these two Wadda and Lubba to construct such a message. Anyone objecting that two words (there are actually 4 words adding the "a" at the end) construct such meaning need to only examine Arabic dictionaries and see that what we gave here can be found in the Arabic rich Al-Balagha (eloquence of Arabic). In Arabic, just the word lion has 346 names. It is no wonder as to why the Arabic language is used in concordances of the Bible, where the Semitic languages, including Arabic, add richness to the meaning.
The premise I set here is not without merit. What scholar of Islam and Arabic can deny that from Arabia's pre-Islamic times and even in Islamic theology, Wadd was proclaimed as a title of God. We have in Islam Allah as "Al-Waddud" (the loving). Wadd is "love" and is also "God" and wadud/waddud is loving and Al-wadud is the loving God which anyone can look up in the 99 names (see #47) on how Muslims define God.
Allah in pre-Islamic Arabia was named "Wadd-the moon god which stood at the head of the Minaean Pantheon: Allat, Uzza and Manat were the three daughters of Allah for this Wadd" (Hitti, 2002, pp. 97-98). Allah was called Wadd in Mecca itself.
It is not that the name Wadd is evil, Wadd (unlike Allah) is not simply a name but a meaning while Allah is a name. What is evil was the corruption of it by attributing the God of Love (Wadd) to an idol. Scripture for example has no problem with the title "morning star" but God objects that Lucifer attributed such a title to himself, for Christ has a similar title. The devil is depicted as a lion (that devours) and so is Christ depicted as a lion, but He is "the lion of the tribe of Judah" Who devours God's enemies just as the serpent of Moses devoured pharaoh's serpents. Therefore, a serpent is not always a bad thing, for Moses instructed the Israelites to look upon the bronze serpent.
What the other message from our Lady's image is the rejection of the moon-god. She proclaims that the God of love (Wadd) is not Allah, but is in the core (lubb) of St. Mary. In other words, the construct says that it was God (Wadd) Who was in Mary's core (lubb). This message refutes the Quran's claim:
"they disbelieved when they said: 'Christ, the son of Mary, is indeed God'"-Quran 5:72
The message from our Lady is "no," God The Son, her "Wadd" (love) the Creator of heaven and earth is in Her "lubb" (core, womb) and is also Her Heart (the Heart of Mary). This signifies Jesus Christ's physical heart as the representation of His divine love for humanity.
All Christians (whether biblicist or traditionalists) should accept this concept. This devotion is not predominantly used in the Roman Catholic Church but is also among some Anglican protestants and Lutherans in devotion to Mary. The rejection of this devotion is only recent in history.
The whole construct of the two words (really four words) Wadd-a-Lubb-a is Arabic, just as the name Guadalajara is constructed of two Arabic words "Wadi" (canyon) and "Jarra" (clay, pottery) which means "canyon of the clay" where poetry is made of jarra (clay) and is what we still use for the word clay-pitcher as it is also in Spanish. Such clay is shattered in Daniel 2 by the Rock (Christ). Canyons are always low and the clay (which resembles Islam) is also at the bottom of the image in Daniel 2 and is crushed by Messiah.
But this is not all. Even a more amazing and fascinating discovery is, Our Lady of Guadalupe's image has several crushing responses to Muslims, not just to Allah, but also to his false messenger Muhammad, history's leading heresiarch.
Muhammad gained the title of "luminous" and "moon light" after the Battle of Tabuk when Muhammad appeared emerging from the Wada' valley. His appearance sparked the first Muslim hymn Tala'a Al-Badru A'layna ("Here arose the moon upon us"). The moon, again, with the advent of Islam was raised to the pinnacle attempting to reverse God's order.
Muhammad was depicted as the badr (full moon) and "the sun" when the Ansar (residents of Madinah) sang greeting Muhammad upon his arrival at Madinah to welcome him. The Sufi Muslims sing it this way:
"The full moon (badr) rose over us from the valley of Wada. We ought to be thankful. You [Muhammad] are the sun. You are the full moon. You are light upon light. You are the lamp of the star. You are my spring O messenger"
This indeed is the Muslim "hymn of hymns". It is sang to Sultans. Here is Erdogan of Turkey elated at its sounds:
From here and like the Aztec deity Huitzilopochtli, according to Islam, Muhammad gained such glorified titles as Al-Siraj Al-Muneer, literally "the Luminous Lamp". The Quran claims that the angel Gabriel addresses Muhammad as such (see Quran 33:45-46) where Muhammad became the "illuminating lamp":
"O Prophet, indeed We have sent you as a witness and a bringer of good tidings and a warner. And one who invites to Allah, by His permission, and an illuminating lamp."
So as Mesoamerica etched such theology on their emblems, Islam's theology was etched in the main image of the Muslim Ottoman Empire.
Such theological forgeries attempt to mimic our Lady's image, transendant light emanating from behind her, Islam had the radiating sun with its transcendent "light upon light" emanating from behind the crescent image (who is Muhammad) and a star (who is also Muhammad) which within it is the glowing lamp (Tughra) which is also Muhammad inside the morning star (which is also Muhammad).
This idea had colored later mystical Islam on both the elite and folk levels (Enc. Rel. 11:23). In the Ottoman image, it depicts Muhammad's titles stemming from Allah Who is also described as this light:
“the Light of the heavens and the earth... The Parable of His Light is as if there were a Niche and within it a Lamp: the Lamp enclosed in Glass: the glass as it were a brilliant star...luminous...Light upon Light!” (Q 24:35).
The imagery spills right out of Scripture regarding Lucifer, the morning star and the star (referred to as "he" a living being) that fell from heaven in Apocalypse 9 as poisoning the waters (nations).
But Muslims who would look at our lady's image in conjunction to the Quran and the Ottoman depictions, Muhammad who is identified as "crescent" in Ottoman imagery is now beneath her, dead, since he is black (symbol of death and darkness), at her feet. By this the message from St. Mary is that God never reflected His light on Muhammad which is seen as a lightless dark crescent. He is after all depicted as "the crescent" and even "the full moon" (Badr). Adding to the meanings of the name construct in Arabic Wadda-Lubba, here we have God, Who is in her core, the woman of Genesis 3:15 (not Muhammad) who is the true humble servant to whom God sent Gabriel (not to Muhammad). God splendid Her, not Muhammad, with His light.
Apocalypse 12 never said "crescent" but "moon". Yet both are descriptions of Muhammad. He is depicted as Badr (full moon) and crescent. So whether a Muslim reads Apocalypse or sees the image, the conclusions are but the same.
With all the construct, had I remained Muslim, the way we would see this is that the Lady's image responds to “Nūr Muhammad (“Light of Muhammad”) which is a term central to later Sufi (Turkey) and Shī`ī (Iran) belief. These are the main composites of the beast of Apocalypse 13 "the leopard" (Greece/Asia Minor) and "the bear" (Persia). The Ottoman emblem appeals to these specific two. These transformed Muhammad into a spiritual, luminous being even beyond Wahhabi theology to a godly status, especially since they call him "light upon light" a title that only belongs to Allah himself in the Quran. For one to rise to the pinnacle in Islam (as Erdogan is trying to do), the multitudes must proclaim him Mahdi. This makes that person as if he was deity in Sufi Islam. This is why the Douay-Rheims Bible had the perfect description:
Who opposeth and is lifted up above all that is called God or that is worshipped, so that he sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself as if he were God. (2 Thess 2:4)
Islam's last Caliph or Mahdi would never plainly say "I am God". This is why there is this "if" in 2 Thessalonians 2. Whether Muhammad or Mahdi, these are "lifted up" "above all" "as if he were God". The Lady's image brings it down. It simply reverses what was reversed.
The aureole or luminous light surrounding the Lady is reminiscent of the "woman clothed with the sun" of Rev. 12:1. The light is also a sign of the power of God who has sanctified and blessed the one who appears.
Islam therefore receives similar defeat like Huitzilopochtli after the Aztec religion crumbled. The images, too, crumble. Islam's Al-Siraj Al-Muneer (the glowing lamp) is major; it is one of Allah's 99 names. Muhammad (even the Mahdi) in Islam, is the very reflection of Allah's light:
"The moon reflects the sun. The Messenger [Muhammad] ﷺ is al-Siraj al-Munir – a lamp radiating light. He reflects the beauty and majesty of the One who sent him." (Muslim Judicial Council, Saudi Arabia)
This false light of Muhammad will too be vanquished by the divine Light in which dwells St. Mary, the Mother of our Salvation.
For this reason, both the image and the name Wadda-Lubba defeats Muhammad the 'luminous light' of the moon who arose from the valley of Wada. By this defeat, Muhammad becomes "the crescent curse rose over us, from the valley of Wada, it was brought low" defeated by Wadda Lubba and cursed under her feet.
The two religions of the Aztecs and Islam stem from the same thief whom Christ warned us of coming to kill and plunder bringing nothing more than bloodshed through a false sacrificial system where Islam had salvation through martyrdom, where Muslims are saved by the first drop of their shed blood, and the Aztec heart-plucking ensured the victims eternal heaven by shedding their blood. The Aztecs believed that those who were sacrificed or who died in war would become Teo-micqui ("the god-dead") and were said to "go pure... live hard by, nigh unto the sun ... [who] always forever ... rejoice ... [since] the House of the Sun is .... a place of joy." (Sahgun, book 6 verse 21)
So when a Muslim believes that his own blood saves, he unknowingly proclaims, like the Aztecs, that he is "the-god-dead" since a Muslim now by shedding his blood becomes Christ like. All these roads stem from the same pit and they all lead to the same pit.
But this is not the only light she defeats. The image is a challenge. The Quran is claimed to be a sign (ayat) from heaven written by a humble illiterate simpleton (Muhammad) who presented the Quran as a light from Allah. According to the Quran it says that the whole of humanity including the demons can never replicate anything like it (the Quran).
The Virgin Mary, left an Image of herself imprinted miraculously on Juan Diego's tilma called "ayate". Ayat is also Arabic which means "sign, miracle" in Islam. The Quran itself is an "ayat" (sign/miracle).
So here comes our Lady with her true sign (ayat) made of a poor quality cactus-cloth (sabra, in Semitic languages), which defies all scientific explanations of its origin while challenging all mankind to replicate it. She is telling Muslims that you have met your match and more. It is as Moses's serpent ate pharaoh's and Mary's ayate (sabra/cactus) ate Muhammad's ayat (Quran as a miracle). Sabra (cactus) is the symbol of connecting to the biblical land of Israel. So here comes St. Mary of Israel with her sign to meet the challenge, using cactus.
Few westerner even know that Wadi Lubba (وادي لبة) exists in the Sinai. It too packs much in another message.
So what is Wadi Lubba doing in the Sinai?
First of all, the Sinai is named after Sin the moon god. Mary defies the cult and its symbol which spread from Mesopotamia to Anatolia.
Galatians 4 speaks of such symbolism between the god Sin and the woman. It is the war between 'the twos', this continuing duel between righteousness over unrighteousness, between two women, Sarah's seed vs. Hagar's seed, Isaac vs. Ishmael which corresponds to Genesis 3:15. The core (lubb) of such battles stem from "Sinai" which "is in Arabia" (Gal 4:25). This analogy is the hint and the clue Galatians 4 calls "an allegory". She conquers Sin through Her Son. There are in fact three places called "Wadi Lubba" (وادي لبة) one in the Sinai, Egypt, another in Saudi Arabia and another in Yemen. These (Sinai, Saudi Arabia and Yemen) are the very heart of what history calls Arabia, and which Isaiah 21 renders as "Babylon is fallen, is fallen."
What transpired in Mexico will also transpire in the heart of Islam. God sees no difference between Arabia's pre-Islam, Islam, or Mesoamerica. They worshiped the crescent moon in pre-Christian Mexico as Quetzalcoatl, and for Mary to be seen stepping on the crescent, signified her vanquishment over their heathen god. As one scholar puts it: "Her foot rested in the crescent moon - She had clearly vanquished their foremost deity, the feather serpent 'Quetzalcoatl', this being the primary reason for converting the Aztecs of Mexico.
But the crescent is not the predominate symbol of the Aztecs, the Muslim world dominates with this symbol. The same image has an ultimate future fulfillment which was prophesied by John in Revelation 11-12. Initially this dragon seems victorious where the woman is hidden. But the end of this "red dragon" is not depicted in John's imagery. Yet Her image reveals the conclusion. The attempt to devour the woman by the dragon coming from under her is simply silenced by crushing the beast.
An eye opening discovery is "the stele at Petra" dedicated to Qos-Allah (Glueck 516). It sheds more light in understanding the symbolism behind our Lady's image. The Arabic "Qos" or "Qaus" literally meant "bow" and the crescent-bow symbolized Allah and still does. This hunter Allah was also found with the same name "Alla[h]" in the Epic of Atrahasis chiseled on several tablets dating to around 1700 BC.
This is extremely ancient. The stele at Petra is horned and displays a star and crescent (Browning 28), both consistent with a moon deity. In fact, in Islam it is forbidden to call a rainbow anything but Qos-Allah (Allah's bow). This even drew the shape of the Muslim sword in crescent form resembling the crescent-bow of Allah.
So from a Muslim perspective when viewing the image, the Lady is not exclusively threshing the crescent, the very symbol and honor of Islam, but also Islam's sword and the bow of the Mahdi.
How the latter is explained is simple. The early Muslim transcription of prophet Mohammed’s Hadith, Ka’b al Ahbar writes: “I find the Mahdi recorded in the books of the Prophets...For instance, the Book of Revelation says: ‘And I saw, and behold a white horse. He that sat on him had a bow ... he went forth conquering and to conquer.’” Egyptian authors Muhammad Ibn ‘Izzat and Muhammad ‘Arif then go on to say, “It is clear that this man is the Mahdi who will ride the white horse and judge by the Qur’an (with justice) and with whom will be men with marks of prostration on their foreheads.”
In essence the Lady's image is threshing the Mahdi's bow.
And this is not without merit. The pride of the Muslim Ottomans shooting the bow while riding backwards on their horses are "Tarshish, Pul and Lud, that draw the bow, to Tubal, and Javan..." (Isaiah 66:19). These today are the Turkic regions whose pride is the crescent, the bow and war. Even the Antichrist is described holding a bow: "And I saw, and behold a white horse: and he that sat on him had a bow; and a crown was given unto him: and he went forth conquering, and to conquer." (Rev 6:2)
First of all, both John and our Lady's image shows that Christianity did not evolve from paganism where bow and crescent was honored. On the contrary God denounces such corruption and announces Mahdi's defeat: “Then I will knock the bow out of your left hand, and cause the arrows to fall out of your right hand" (Eze 39:3).
God Himself uses imagery in Scripture, for an image speaks a thousand books. This is the Red Dragon who "persecuted the woman, who brought forth the man child" by "making war with the rest of her seed, who keep the commandments of God, and have the testimony of Jesus Christ." The image also depicts Her conquering what injured her heart: "And thy own soul a sword shall pierce ..." (Luke 2:35). Persecuting "her seed" is persecuting Christ as if a sword pierced Wadda-Lubba the very Love of Her Core (Heart). Therefore, She threshes "the bow" which is Islamic warfare: Jihad. She also threshes Allah himself.
She in turn provides humanity with Christ, the ultimate and only acceptable sacrifice. In Chapter 2 of St. Luke's Gospel, the evangelist twice reports that Mary kept all things in her heart, that there she might ponder over them. Luke 2:35 recounts the prophecy of Simeon that her heart would be pierced with a sword.
Simeon presents an image (the pierced heart). This became the most popular representation of the Immaculate Heart. St. John's Gospel further invited attention to Mary's heart with its depiction of Mary at the foot of the cross at Jesus' crucifixion. St. Augustine said of this that Mary was not merely passive at the foot of the cross; "she cooperated through charity in the work of our redemption". St. Leo said that through faith and love she conceived her son spiritually, even before receiving him into her womb [lubb], and St. Augustine tells us that she was more blessed in having borne Christ [her Wadd] in her heart than in having conceived him in the flesh.
Such piercing is metaphorical depicting the suffering of God's people. The bent dagger (Hanzar) of Islam which was made in the shape of the crescent was on purpose, in honor to Allah, who was depicted throughout Islam as crescent, even during Nazism, when the Ottoman-Nazi conscripts of the Hanzar (literally Muslim dagger) division, which besides persecuting the Jews, they persecuted also "the rest of her seed who keep the commandments of God, and have the testimony of Jesus Christ."
How Muslims see this, is that St. Mary here is clearly seen stepping on the crescent bow including the sword that symbolically pierced her heart when Muslims kill "the remnant of her seed" (the Christians).
But this is not all. To a Muslim, this stomping includes everything else that is the pride of Islam. Again, the image does not differentiate between Allah pre-Islam or post Islam for the simple reason that there are several Nabatean inscriptions in the Sinai and other places displaying widespread references to names regarding this deity including Allah and Shalm-lahi 'Allah is peace' (we have continually heard that Allah is the god of peace) and Shalm-allat, 'the peace of the goddess Allat' (Allat is the feminine Allah the transgender god), Amat-allahi 'she-servant of Allah' and Halaf-llahi (Caliph 'the successor of Allah').
The image stomping the crescent (Qaus Allah) is perhaps the response to the god of the bow and war (Jihad), Allah (as he is depicted in the Ottoman emblem). This includes not just Allah, but his crescent sword, Allah's coming last caliph, Allah's approval of transgenders and Islam's false peace (we have continually been bombarded that Islam means peace).
This is summarized therefore in the image we clearly see: her foot stepping on the crescent the very symbol of Qaus-Allah.
But this is not all.
The woman of Revelation 12 has 12 stars. There are 12 disciples. God's Temple has 12 gates and the Lady's image appeared on 12/12 of the years 1531. This would be the twelfth day of the twelfth month regarding an image mentioned in the twelfth chapter of the Apocalypse and she had twelve stars.
Twelve is holy.
Converting that date to an Islamic Hijri calendar would mean that St. Mary appeared on 2 Jumada Al-Awwal (I Jumada) year 938 Hijri. Jumada I is the fifth month in the Islamic calendar.
One of Islam's holiest numbers is five.
Islam has five daily prayers. Its pillars are five. In Islam, particularly Shia Islam, the Panjetan or Holy Pentagram, also known as Ahl Al-Bait or People of the House, the Five Holy Purified Ones are the members of Muhammad's family: Muhammad, Ali, Fatima, Hasan, and Husayn and is often symbolically represented by an image of the Khamsa (five). The five-pointed star is part of the symbol of the Ottoman Empire and has been a Muslim symbol for multiple Muslim works, most notably on flags. Islam's most blasphemous chapter is the fifth chapter (Maʼida "The Table") mentioning Mary in the most blasphemous verses:
"they disbelieved when they said: 'Christ, the son of Mary, is indeed God'; whereas Christ had said: 'Children of Israel! Serve Allah, Who is your Lord and my Lord.' ...Those who said: 'Allah is one of the Three' ...The Messiah, son of Mary, was no more than a Messenger"
The Quran: An Encyclopedia says, "The Quran’s objection to Christian practice is Christianity’s shirk, its worship of Jesus, Mary and the saints ‘in derogation of Allah’. There is no justification in believing in the Trinity, for Jesus never would have condoned such a concept". "Jesus is the son of Mary" is what Muslims and schismatics title Mary where true Christians are accused of "Mary worship" and "Saint worship".
Yet here appears St. Mary in this image with humble eyes looking downward in worship and her queenly hands and the sleeve cuffs with fur means royalty/Jewish nobility. Indeed, this is a humble Queen in prayer to God and not in splendor of deity.
The Quran in 66:12 describes Mary as Qānitah where Mary is in constant submission and prostration to Allah.
If Muslims see the lady's image, St. Mary has the very symbol of Allah (the crescent) in prostration to her as Allah was brought low by her. The image debunks many who claim that "the Quran honors Mary". The Quran in fact denigrates Mary in the most vile ways:
“And Maryam (Mary) daughter of Imran, who kept safe her vagina so We breathed in it [her vagina] of Our Spirit ..." (Quran 21:90-91)
Modern Muslims are embarrassed of this verse and cannot easily explain it.
But back to our number 5 in Islam. In the fifth Sura it specifically denigrates Catholics:
"And behold! Allah will say: "O Jesus the son of Mary! Didst thou say unto men [Catholics], 'Take me [Jesus] and my mother for two gods ..." (Qur'an 5:116)
Muslims and other heretics accuse Catholics of Mary worship, and this verse evinces that Islam was founded as an anti-Catholic cult.
Besides the Quran in its most blasphemous fifth chapter, so many are the slandering works that attempt to hint an evolution of the Catholic faith from paganism by showing visual similarities between pagan depictions vs. Catholic. On the contrary, it is paganism that stole from the truth "The thief came only to steal".
Therefore, it is the difference which makes all the difference. This is what we should be focused on and not the similarities when comparing forgery with genuine. Waddalubba shows "enmity" and not glorification of the crescent. Pagan female deities uphold the crescent on their heads and arms just as Antichrist will demand from his followers. Such is the enmity "between thee [lucifer] and the woman [Mary]" where "her seed shall crush thy head" (Genesis 3:15).
In the the Latin Vulgate it says "she shall crush thy head". Without getting into the controversy regarding "She" and the "He" (schismatics love to speak of this controversy) it does not take away the Marian understanding of the passage since the power of the devil (as the image portrays) is broken through Jesus, Mary’s Son where all Christians regardless of their persuasion would agree.
She appears as an image. This alone is offensive, not just to Muslims, but to all who reject She is our Mother. Schismatics need to ask a crucial question: why do they agree with Muslims on this one? There are images that God considers unholy while other images like the Ark with angelic cherubs and even Christ and Peter depicted as rocks. These depictions too are holy. And they are in scripture. Islam's black stone is unholy just as the "image of the beast" (Rev 15:2) and in Acts 19:35 another stone (representing Artemis with the crescent moon on her forehead) is also unholy: "any man who worship the beast and his image, and receive his mark in his forehead ..."
At the Battle of Lepanto Christian ships formed the image of the Cross with the leading ship hoisting the image of our Lady of Guadalupe, and defeated the crescent formation of Ottoman ships in the greatest naval battle in history.
But the battle is not over. Where Islam rules, their crescent image is always on top higher than the cross.
My own village, Beit Sahour in Bethlehem also known as the Shepherd's Fields where the angels proclaimed the birth of the King Messiah. God will not be silent where the crescent (this is the very mosque I attended) is above the Cross.
To a Muslim looking at the lady's image, here comes St. Mary dressed with virtuous attire to give Her view of what she thinks of this dark symbol hoisted on high and she reverses it. Using Islam's own etiquette when Muslims enter a mosque under their crescent pinnacles by taking off their slippers entering always with the right foot, never the left, here comes St. Mary using her right foot not to enter a mosque but to step on its highest pinnacle, the crescent, and without even taking off her gray colored royal slipper. Few focus on this part of the image.
As for me, a man born and raised in the land of the shepherds who were first to witness the proclamation of His birth, I had once ignorantly stoned with my very young sons her image at St. Francis of Assisi in Concord California. Now I will rise at Her amazing portrait begging forgiveness:
O clement, O pius, O gentle Mary.
O shepherds, rise before your God,
relate what you have seen of Christ.
(Special thanks to sister Kelly Ann for sparking this research).
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