I told you that 2016 is going to be a very interesting year. Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, who is a strong advocate of a switch to presidential system in his country, has just said that the implementation of a presidential system while keeping the unitary structure of Turkey is possible: “When you look at Hitler’s Germany and other countries” as an example, says Erdogan at a press conference.
So this is how Turkey will keep unity in its government under his new presidential (he means Caliphate) rule.
Lets read this again:
“When we look [at other countries], we see that it is possible. You would see this when you look at Hitler’s Germany and other countries,” he was quoted as saying by T24 news portal.
Erdoğan is the staunchest supporter of the formation of a “Turkish-style” presidential system that he claims will help the country’s development by eliminating “double-headedness” in state governance and thus pave the way for a more effective decision-making system.
Lets not forget that back in April, Erdoğan argued that Turkey’s government had been already changed into a de facto presidential system, calling for a constitutional framework to “finalize” this transition.
Critics say more executive powers in the hands of Erdoğan will likely intensify Turkey’s drift toward one-man rule and Erdogan says its Hitler’s way.
Some even expressed such fear that he would resemble Adolf Hitler, who was also elected by popular vote but then turned Germany into a fascist dictatorship.
Turkey has enjoyed nearly 140 years of constitutional experience since the inception of the Ottoman Constitution of 1876, known in Turkish as the Kanûn-u Esâsî, and the parliamentary system has been the defining characteristic of all constitutions to follow.
Everything is adding up as we have been telling you. What would it take for people to believe us?
Erdogan comparing the news presidential system to Hitler’s is no joke. Erdogan’s classmate says that Erdogan used to “walk around with a copy of Adolf Hitler’s ‘Mein Kampf'”. Erdogan’s March 16th publication titled Ust Akil (The Mastermind), where one enters an extremely dark side of Erdogan’s thinking process on how he views the Jews. The term Ust Akil (The Mastermind) was introduced by Erdogan himself, a sensational two hour “documentary”, produced by A Haber, Erdogan’s main TV propaganda machine, billed as an expose of the great international conspiracy targeting Erdogan’s “New Turkey.”
Turkey’s President Recep Tayyip Erdogan is seen in this still from “The Mastermind.” (photo by YouTube)
The documentary, which supposed to be an anti-conspiracy theory promotion turns out to be nothing more than a conspiracy theory in itself, a sequel to The Protocols of the Elders of Zion, the early 20th century anti-Semitic hoax claiming to describe a Jewish plot for global domination. In The Mastermind, it opens up with the scenes of a rebuilt Temple in Jerusalem and the Dome of the Rock.
Erdogan’s production is a mystery about who controls the world and the conclusion is simple: The Mastermind is none other than The Jew.
So perhaps, what is no conspiracy theory, is that Erdogan is the best candidate to match Adolf Hitler’s anti-Semitism. This time, this Hitler will take with him an entire Muslim World. After all, the Jew is the mind, the documentary tell us, that “rules the world, burns, destroys, starves, wages wars, organizes revolutions and coups, and establishes states within states.” Is this any different from what Hitler sold to the masses?
Entering the dark haul, the Hitler of the Muslim world and listening to him mesmerize the crowd as Hitler did is quite the wakeup call. This is not a Hitler who is calling for an Arian race, but an entire globe under the rule of Allah and his messenger, to rule Spain and crush the Trinity:
Erdogan says in this video: “Praise be to Allah the lord of the two worlds [this world and the underworld] where ownership belongs to Allah alone, victory is to Allah alone. He has no associates [denouncing the trinity]. In the pathway we came out asking Allah to strengthen our feet on the straight path …We have dressed up in our shrouds and are prepared to confront as did Sultan Alparslan We have believed as Sultan Saladin. That victory is not from the sword but comes from Allah. We have went to the path after we have burned the ships of return behind us as did the conquerer of Spain Tareq Benziad.”
Erdogan wants Italy and Spain. He wants to be Tariq Bin Ziad, the conqueror of Spain. He wants to be the tyrant Alp Arslan and Saladin. These are the Muslim leaders who fought against Christendom and he wants to be Saladin who conquered Jerusalem. He wants to be all in all. He wants to declare war on the strongest fortresses to advance his foreign God, Allah, through warfare.
Soldiers of Christ
Get ready
The time is near
Until World War III
Happy New Year
Also see:
Erdogan Just Entered The Temple Of Allah On Mount Babel Aspiring To Become “King Of Of Babylon”
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