
Keith Davies Political Correspondent

As the new speaker Paul Ryan continues the legacy of John Boehner, yet again the Republicans show us that they are actually really Democrats, who lie that they are Republicans based on this ridiculous new spending bill, which is universally supported by Democrats but disavowed by the whole base of the Republican Party. The candidacy of Donald Trump becomes more and more a no brainer for anyone who actually has common sense on what is needed to get the USA back on the right track.


While Ted Cruz is a genuine conservative, however he lacks understanding and vision on the Middle East, which weakens his candidacy. Cruz is still stuck on the Cold War mentality but Trump understands the Middle East much better and has called out the correct positions over the past 20 years as well as his understanding on why Putin is important to bring him on as an ally, not an enemy. Trump also is willing to enact policies that today are politically incorrect but need to be implemented to keep American safe. We also believe Donald Trump is a reader of Shoebat.com as he has tweeted some of material and commented on issues that he could only have been gotten from our web site.

As we have written and analyzed at Shoebat.com we know from our knowledge and experience both from the Bible and geo political science that Russia is not our enemy. Russia has returned to its Christian roots and is one of the few countries that are taking on ISIS. Its animus to Turkey is biblically foretold, playing out its role as predicted. America not being mentioned directly in the Bible has a question mark on its role, but Walid believes America is mentioned indirectly in the Sciptures.

Ezekiel 28 6-8
Because you have set your heart as the heart of a god, Behold, therefore, I will bring strangers against you, the most terrible of the nations; And they shall draw their swords against the beauty of your wisdom, And defile your splendor. They shall throw you down into the Pit, and you shall die the death of the slain in the midst of the seas.

Daniel 11:39

Thus he (anti Christ system) shall act against the strongest fortresses with a foreign god, which he shall acknowledge, and advance its glory; and he shall cause them to rule over many, and divide the land for gain.

The above verses indicate a very strong probability that it is talking about the United States and what we have seen and will see over next few years will be the evidence is strong that Shoebat is right.

Our country is a sad mess at this moment. Our government is corrupt; our politicians are either dishonest or ineffective. Our current president is advancing the goals and agenda of the Muslim Caliphate. The United States has supplied hundreds of millions of dollars worth of weapons to “moderate terrorists” which have all ended up in the hands of ISIS, many of the “moderate terrorists” were trained by the CIA, and Obama has failed to destroy these weapons, nor has he stopped the money flow to ISIS.

It appears that the United States intelligence services are responsible for the forming of ISIS, the USA made exactly the same mistake when it armed the Mujahedeen in Afghanistan to attack the Soviet occupation, which ended up giving confidence and the ability for Osama Bin Laden to attack us on 911, as well as many other major terror attacks around the world. The total incompetence, stupidity or outright treachery of US foreign policy under Clinton, Bush and Obama has brought us a Middle East that is now on fire and getting even more out of control.

Our country has a national debt that puts us on track to self destruction, yet Speaker Paul Ryan who was the biggest advocate to bring some fiscal sanity to the Treasury just did the opposite to what he has advocated against. It is only a matter of a short time before our insanity will put a bite in everyone’s pocket book.
Obama Care has strangled the American worker and American business. By forcing people to purchase inadequate or unwanted coverage with grossly expensive policies has impoverished many working people, yet with the enforced deductibles in real terms the same people are not insured properly because the high deductibles are unaffordable for the average working American if a member of the family gets seriously ill. American businesses have been again penalized which provides a disincentive to hiring more workers, which hampers job growth. Job creation of fewer than 250,000 people a month is actually negative job growth (based on population growth all economists agree that 250,000 per month job creation just breaks even), yet the mainstream media spins 200,000 job creation a month as a good number when that number seems to be the best we can do over the last few years. We have about 94 million people still out of work, most uncounted as they are no longer are eligible for unemployment benefit, but instead now collect special assistance or disability benefit as well as food stamps. 60% of our total federal budget goes to welfare payments, at the same time less people are working and paying taxes. We are heading for economic disaster unless we can stop both political parties from ruining us. They are now as bad as each other.

We need to get the country back to true capitalist system removing or at least lessening Congresses’ willingness to provide excessive welfare to individuals and corporations (tax credits, write offs or outright subsidies). We need to have a President who can stamp his authority to get back to the principles that made America great, which encourages entrepreneurs to risk capital while at the same time allowing American businesses to invest back in the USA by lowering or even removing corporate taxes. The removal of the corporate tax and tax forgiveness for the of return capital to America would alone create millions of new jobs over the next five years, as well as stop the reverse mergers which large American companies are doing to allow them to be domiciled in lower corporate tax countries, which in turn avoids paying any taxes in the USA. Having millions of new jobs created will reduce the welfare budget, as well as gives you more individual tax payers, which in itself will more than offset the loss of corporate tax income.

Cutting the National debt can also be achieved by closing many useless bureaucracies like the departments of Energy, EPA, Education, Health and Social Services as well as trimming down the necessary departments. All the departments that are closed, their work can and should be carried out by the individual states as was envisioned by the founding fathers.

Immigration to the USA needs to be halted until a wall is built on the Southern Border. Muslims should also be banned from entering the USA until the terror threat has been eliminated. I am sure Donald Trump can succeed in implementing policies that can get us back to greatness and being the winners we can and will be if our government will be shrunk.

The top priorities should be for Donald Trump:

Get on top of the Muslim Terrorist problem.

Balance the budget and start to pay down the National Debt.

Stop Immigration until we get a handle on the illegal immigration issues.

Replace Obama Care with a competitive free market system that will not bankrupt the country.
Abide by the Constitution.

We need a man who cannot be bought or corrupted; Donald Trump certainly cannot be bought and is a Patriot. He is the only candidate that can get it done, just because we need someone that will carry out the office because he loves America and what it stands for, he does not need Washington DC to make him rich like the rest of the politicians we now have. He also has more understanding of the world than any other candidate in either party and especially on Russia and teh Middle East. Trump is the man for the Job. Donald, make America great again!

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