Venture capitalist investor Yuri Milner is now venturing to find alien life, pledging $100m (£64.3) of his own money to help answer the question of if we are alone in the cosmos.

In a philanthropic effort, the internet entrepreneur announced through a live webcast at The Royal Society in London that he would donate the money over the next ten years to “discover whether intelligent life exists beyond Earth.”

Professor Steven Hawkins, also on the panel at the webcast, said:

We believe that life arose spontaneously on Earth, so in an infinite universe there must be other occurrences of life. Somewhere in the cosmos perhaps intelligent life may be watching these lights of ours, aware of what they mean.

In such a massive place as the cosmos, we only have to look at ourselves to prove that extremely unlikely things can and do happen all the time.

The billionaire investor, who invested early in Facebook and Twitter, as well as Groupon and Spotify, will use his money to rent three telescopes and point them at areas in the universe that could support life.

Read more: Rosetta comet landing mission: Scientists think they’re on the brink of discovering alien life

His cheque will also support a team of researchers, who will be collecting data from outer space that will be shared, along with their software, allowing amateurs to help.

While Milner has an eye for investments and helped many startups, he is passionate about science, having studied theoretical physics at Moscow State University and worked at the Lebedev Physical Institute.

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