Scientists have found what they’re calling Earth’s “older, bigger cousin."

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Have you ever wondered if other intelligent life forms exist in the universe? According to NASA, it’s pretty much a guarantee, as was shared in the article “NASA Openly Admits Alien Life Exists.” 

But scientists may have found what they’re now calling Earth’s “older, bigger cousin,” and it could key in some clues to answer the question once and for all.

As the New York Times reports, planet hunters from NASA are excited about what is now recognized as the strongest lead yet to finding advanced life to somewhere else in the universe.

The new planet, Kepler 425b, is about 60% bigger than Earth, and orbits a suns similar to ours every 385 days. According to the scientists, that orbit puts it in what is called the “Goldilocks Zone” – neither too hot, nor too cold, but just right for life.

Credit: NYTimes

Credit: NYTimes

Perhaps even more exciting is the fact that the planet’s star has been around a billion years longer than Earth’s, therefore there’s been more time for life to take root and possibly evolve.

“It’s awe-inspiring to consider that this planet has spent six billion years in the habitable zone of its star, longer than Earth,” Jon Jenkins of NASA’s Ames Research Center said at the announcement Thursday. “That’s substantial opportunity for life to arise, should all the necessary ingredients and conditions for life exist on this planet.”

The new planet is named after the Kepler spacecraft that spotted it. Kepler 452b is the 4,696th planet the space probe has so far discovered.

But don’t get too anxious about the discovery… Kepler 425b is 1,400 light years away. The fastest spacecraft ever launched from Earth would take 266 million years to get there, so it’ll be a while before scientists can track signs of life.

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