Deviant Art / Irony2187

Deviant Art / Irony2187

The city of San Francisco is scheduled to host the next Super Bowl football game, one of the largest sporting and television events in the United States. Sadly, one of the primary goals of the city’s mayor is to get the homeless people off the streets in the time for the festivities.

“They are going to have to leave,” Mayor Ed Lee told KPIX 5, adding that, “We’ll give you an alternative. We are always going to be supportive. But you are going to have to leave the streets.”

The mayor is promising that housing will be set up for the homeless and that more shelters will be opened, but many are wondering if these are empty promises, considering how city governments are known to treat homeless people.

Some of them are mentally ill. Some of them have severe drug addiction and yeah, they get cleaned up 24 hours and they are back on the environment that caused this in the first place,” the mayor said in a statement.

“I have to have an alternative; otherwise we are just moving them from one area to another. They can’t be on the streets,” the mayor said. “Not just because it is illegal, but because it is dangerous for them,” he said.

Although the city government may be presenting their plan as a humanitarian one, it is unlikely that the homeless population will be happy with getting shoved around by police so sports fans can overflow the streets.

John Vibes writes for True Activist and is an author, researcher and investigative journalist who takes a special interest in the counter culture and the drug war.

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