
By BI: Yes, September 11th, which not only is a symbol of the Muslim attack on America, it is also two months after Ramadan ended. One million bikers showed up in Washington DC in 2013 when Muslims planned a ‘MILLION MUSLIM MARCH’ there on Sept. 11th. Perhaps they need to take a ride up to Michigan this year?


BizPak Review  The Democratic mayors of two Michigan cities plan to celebrate September 11th this year by honoring Sharia and hosting their “9th Annual Ramadan Unity Dinner.”

Ramadan ended in July, but the Islamic Society of Greater Lansing has scheduled its dinner at the city-owned convention center on the very day when 19 Muslim terrorists killed 2,977 innocent victims at the World Trade Center, the Pentagon, and three crashed airliners, 14 years ago.

In an almost unbelievable act of callousness and dishonor of those victims, Mayors Virg Bernero and Nathan Triplett of Lansing and East Lansing, respectively, will host a dinner themed “Hope, Not Hunger.”  The event’s poster features an Islamic crescent and a skyline of mosque-styled buildings.

Adding insult to injury, the cities are sponsoring—with taxpayer dollars—a high school essay contest whose winners will be honored at the dinner and given prizes of up to $500.

I wonder if they will be reminiscing with this video?

The event was tweeted by Twitter user @creepingsharia and picked up by several blogs. Although the media seems to have ignored this in-your-face jab at America’s grief, the tweet garnered replies of shock and shame.

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