
Posted by Keith Davies

On August 23rd 1929 whose 86th aniversary was two days ago, 67 Jews were murdered in Hebron, which is the second holiest place for Jews after Jerusalem. Hebron is the buriel place of the Jewish founders of their faith i.e. Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, as well as Sarah, Rebecca and Leah, three of the four mothers of the faith. Muslim extremists led by one of the co-founders of the modern Muslim Brotherhood Haj Amin Husseini ( a friend of Walid Shoebat’s Grandfather) insitigated a pogram that murdered Jews which included beheading, the very same way Christians are being murdered in Syria and Iraq. This atrocity was called the “Hebron Massacre.”

They were murdered for one reason only, because they were Jews, there was no state of Israel and there was no “occupation.” The Christians today are being murdered because they are Christians, there is no Christian occupation of Syria or Iraq, yet the world in its criminal negligence and unwillingness to face facts wishes to continue its appeasement of Islam and bow to their every lie and complaint.

Here is some history which proves the point. Watch, learn and share with people who need to wake up and smell the Hummus.

If you wish to learn more about the history of the Jews between 1929 and 1948 purchase the most amazing book that was banned by the Brtitish government in Palestine and UK when it was first published (the British even back in 1940’s did not believe in free speech) called THE FORGOTTEN ALLY, CLICK HERE TO PURCHASE It was written by Pierre Van Paassen a famous journalist and writer who was in Palestine at the time of the Hebron Massacre.

And if you still do not believe us then watch this video which proves it beyond any doubt.

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