Senators Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) and Ron Johnson (R-Wis) provided documents on the Senate floor Tuesday regarding their investigation into the Biden family’s shady financial ties with communist China.
In part two of their speeches on the subject to be entered into the Congressional Record, the GOP senators included several documents showing large monetary exchanges.
Click here to catch up on the first Grassley, Johnson Senate speech on Hunter Biden.
Much of the information shared by the politicians has already been covered by alternative media, but some of it is new and it’s important to get this data on the official record.
Sen. Johnson jested, “This isn’t Russian disinformation,” before highlighting a bank transfer for $1 million dollars in 2017 from an arm of the Chinese government to a Hunter Biden company.
Sen. Johnson noted at one point that “the Deep State” is getting in the way of the investigation just as it did when 50 intelligence agents falsely claimed the Hunter Biden laptop was Russian disinformation in 2020.
For the second day in a row, Sen. Johnson focused on Hunter Biden associate Patrick Ho, who Hunter called “the fucking spy chief of China.”
Watch Johnson’s full speech below:
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“Follow the money!” Grassley wrote in a Twitter post about the second Hunter and James Biden speech.
During his speech, Sen. Grassley provided some background context regarding his Monday speech on the investigation before continuing to go over several documents.
The senator told his colleagues, “These years of records show that Hunter Biden and James Biden were more connected to the communist regime’s elements than had been previously known. These records place them at the center of Hudson West III, Gongwen Dong, and CEFC.”
“So, what this tells us is that Hunter Biden and James Biden linked up with companies connected to the communist regime to assist them with finding projects for global and domestic infrastructure energy,” Sen. Grassley added.
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“If u weren’t paying attention for the past few yrs to the Grassley Johnson investigation into Hunter Biden & James Biden doing business w the communist Chinese govt ITS TIME TO GET A GRIP,” Grassley wrote on Wednesday.
Not only is the Hunter and Jim Biden connection to China being put into the Congressional record, but now mainstream media is even being forced to admit the reality of Hunter Biden’s laptop which is rife with additional criminal activity.
The Washington Post “verified through cryptographic signatures from Google and other technology companies” that the laptop is legitimate, which they finally reported on Wednesday.
CNN shockingly admitted on Wednesday the “Laptop from Hell” could result in Hunter Biden being indicted, with a legal analyst saying there is “a very real, very substantial investigation of potentially serious federal crimes.”
source https://www.infowars.com/posts/watch-gop-senators-present-part-2-of-their-hunter-biden-china-investigative-series
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