During Friday’s United Nations Security Council (UNSC) emergency meeting, representatives for Ghana, India, Brazil, Kenya, China, Mexico and Gabon voiced concern about Russia’s claims that the United States is secretly funding illegal biological research in Ukraine and other countries across the globe.
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As Western nations and their media lapdogs continue to echo the narrative that accusations of US biolabs in Ukraine are “Russian disinformation,” they are hiding the fact that diplomats representing billions of people worldwide would like to further investigate these claims.
Mexico’s UN representative Juan Ramón de la Fuente asked his fellow council members, “If there are so many doubts or new information as has been suggested, why don’t you proceed along the lines of the convention?”
The convention the Mexico spokesperson referred to is the 1972 Biological Weapons Convention, which UN High Representative for Disarmament Affairs Izumi Nakamitsu said is the proper channel to proceed with investigating Russia’s allegations.
Uganda’s representative told the council the only way to know for sure if the Russian accusations are true is to proceed with an investigation done by the relevant international accredited bodies.
Brazil told the council they feel as if “accusations of such gravity must be thoroughly substantiated by solid evidence which must be presented to and confirmed by an independent and impartial authority as foreseen in Article 6 of the Biological Weapons Convention.”
India representative R. Ravindra told the council, “India attaches high importance to BTWC [Convention on the Prohibition of Biological and Toxin Weapons] as a key global and non-discriminatory disarmament convention, prohibiting an entire category of weapons of mass destruction.”
He continued, saying, “We also believe that any matter relating to obligations under the BTWC should be addressed as per the provisions of the convention and through consultations and cooperation between the parties concerned.”
The Chinese representative called on America to present information proving Russia’s claims to be false in order to “remove the doubts of the international community.”
During Ghana’s speaking time, their representative also stated the only way for the world to learn the truth about the serious accusations levied by Russia is for the US and Ukraine to be investigated under the biological weapons convention.
The African nation of Kenya said the allegations “must not be taken lightly,” adding, “We call on all state parties to the convention to make use of the established mechanisms so that any concern or suspicion of the presence of these extremely dangerous weapons can be verified.”
The man representing Gabon reaffirmed his nation’s commitment to the biological weapons treaty and suggested any nation accused of violating it should be further investigated.
UN representatives for Albania, Ireland, the United States, France, the UK and Norway all slandered the Russian accusation as disinformation during their speaking times and did not commit to looking into the matter.
After the meeting was adjourned, Russian Ambassador to the UN Vasily Nebenzya spoke with the press about his frustration with the stance of Western nations.
“Our partners are in complete denial,” he said. “They won’t listen to what we’re saying. They won’t accept we’re presenting facts, not just propaganda. We circulated new materials among council members and the general assembly. I’m sure you [press] will be able to get access to those documents, they’re not confidential or secret and you can make up your mind on whether it’s propaganda and unsubstantiated accusations, or whether these are documents worth commenting and replying, which we didn’t hear today.”
Nebenzya said Western UN ambassadors essentially repeated the same talking points as they did in the last meeting and neglected to look into the documents Russia provided as alleged proof of US-funding illegal biological operations in Ukraine.
Britain’s UN Ambassador Barbara Woodward called the Russian accusations “desperate” and “nonsense”.
Woodward told reporters, “We don’t need to be wasting our time on disinformation.”
Asked if the UK has any intelligence hinting towards Russia planning a chemical attack, she responded, “We do remain concerned there could be a false flag attack and that a false flag attack could involve chemical and biological weapons. That remains a concern, but we haven’t got published intelligence on that.”
Another reporter told Woodward “The UN representative said there’s no evidence of a US biological weapons program in Ukraine, but she also said there’s no capacity for them to investigate this,” asking, “Does that undermine the West’s argument when they point to the UN?”
“No, I don’t think it does because the point is the CBW is the organization that needs to investigate those claims,” Woodward said. “So, if there is a genuine concern, the right thing to do would be to seal off the site, have a ceasefire, and allow experts in to investigate. It is not the right thing to do to bring spurious claims to the UN security council that are debunked by everyone there.”
Note the use of the word “weapons” in that last question as it is one way the globalists play word games.
For example, Undersecretary of State for Political Affairs Victoria Nuland told Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) last week that “Ukraine has biological research facilities,” not “weapons” facilities.
The Wuhan lab where Covid-19 escaped is also labeled a “research” facility by the establishment and the press, proving these labs can be dangerous.

Next, a reporter asked Woodward what the documents Russia provided looked like, and she answered, “To be honest, you know, it’s 69 pages long and it does not deserve the time to read it. It’s disinformation of the desperate. That’s how I would describe it, to be honest.”
With the world potentially on the brink of WWIII, the UK representative basically admitted she never even looked into the new evidence provided by Russia.
The documents will be released by the Russian government soon, and an international investigation will likely follow despite mainstream media claiming the biolab accusations are a nothing-burger.
America’s UN Ambassador Linda Thomas-Greenfield called Russia’s accusations “bizarre conspiracy theories.”
In an ultimate example of hypocrisy and dishonest journalism, the Washington Post published a “fact-check” article last week, titled, “How the right embraced Russian disinformation about ‘U.S. bioweapons labs’ in Ukraine.”
However, a 2005 article by the same outlet titled, “U.S. to Aid Ukraine in Countering Bioweapons,” stated, “The United States and Ukraine agreed yesterday to work jointly to prevent the spread of biological weapons, signing a pact that clears the way for Ukraine’s government to receive U.S. aid to improve security at facilities where dangerous microbes are kept.“

It’s a good thing the internet has archived the plethora of mainstream articles admitting the existence of the US-funded Ukrainian biolabs so that people don’t need to rely on the Russian government’s information.
source https://www.infowars.com/posts/emergency-un-security-council-meeting-russia-isnt-the-only-country-worried-about-us-funded-biolabs
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