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Shocking footage of two tyrannical police officers harassing, assaulting, and then fraudulently charging a man who was not wearing a face covering has been released.

The incident took place at an airport in Australia where the man was sitting with his friend having a beer whilst waiting to board a flight. Two police officers then harass the man due to him not wearing a face covering which is a legal requirement unless exempt in Australia.

The man, who was wearing a lanyard saying he is medically exempt, also told the officers that he was medically exempt at which point they illegally asked for evidence. They then removed him from the airport and rang his Doctor.

The Doctor confirmed to the police that the man was in fact medically exempt, however that information should not have been released due to it being confidential. The man did not give permission for the doctor to talk about his medical record.

Despite the doctor confirming the man was exempt the police then decided to tell the airline that the man was not fit to fly and told him he would be arrested and charged, but they could not tell him what they were charging him for and told him they would decide that back at the station.

Outrageously the police then state in the recorded interview at the station that they did not believe they had been given any information from a doctor.

You can watch the footage in full below…

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source https://dailyexpose.co.uk/2021/08/01/tyranny-police-arrest-mask-exempt-man-video/

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