Families of those who died in the 9/11 attacks have slammed Democrats for repeatedly comparing the worst terrorist atrocity in U.S. history to the January 6th Capitol building infiltration, saying that the rhetoric is “inflated and ridiculous”.

Fox News reports that some families of 9/11 victims are ‘outraged’ over the likes of Nancy Pelosi and Joe Biden claiming that. Jan 6 was “the worst attack on our democracy since the Civil War,” or that there should be a “9/11-style” commission.

Retired New York Deputy Fire Chief Jim Riches who lost his son, also a firefighter, told reporters “They’re comparing it to score points politically.”

“Are they kidding me? 3,000 people died, plus we have more people dying from the air that was down there,” Riches continued, adding “The families are really [angry]. When I talk to them, when they compare it to that, they find that outrageous.”

Debra Burlingame, whose brother was murdered aboard American Airlines Flight 77 before it crashed at the Pentagon, urged “There are a lot of young people who have no living memory of 9/11 … When you have all these comparisons and analogies, which are inflated and ridiculous, it minimizes what actually happened, and that’s what’s happening here. It’s a deliberate ploy.”

Joe Connor, who lost a cousin in the World Trade Center, noted “They just dehumanize our families for political gain. I guess they call it gaslighting.”

Connor continued, “They can say these things that will make people believe that these riots were worse than the worst thing that happened on American soil. Either they’re ignorant or they’re just really devious and clever, and you can put nothing past them, because if you’re willing to lie to that degree … It’s a disturbing trend to me.”

Don Arias, who lost a brother in the South Tower told Fox that “Clear thinking people see these inflammatory statements as the bulls–t they are. There’s no comparison.”

Another American, nicknamed “Grizzly Joe” lost four friends on 9/11 and told reporters “It strikes me that if folks need to compare January 6 to 9/11, they have no faith in their ability to portray January 6 as the unfortunate criminal act that it was.”

The report also notes that leftist “journalists” are mimicking the Democrat ploy:

Some among the Capitol Hill press corps have also complained that they are traumatised by the event that they “survived”, and refuse to go back into the building.

Democrats have used the Capitol breach to consolidate power and initiate a stasi-like security crackdown, beefing up the Capitol police.

Those arrested after the breach have been treated like terrorists.


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source https://summit.news/2021/07/26/video-biden-appears-to-yell-my-butts-been-wiped-at-a-reporter/

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